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  1. M

    How to make a female hermie???????

    you need a male plant, take a bag (big zip lock) and put it over the one part you want to polinate, with the male pollen on the bagged part of the plant, it should produce seeds. the problem with the seeds is they will not all be female. a vast majority will but not 100%. thats how you turn...
  2. M

    How to make a female hermie???????

    whats your goal, why not just clone? i can answer your question buti m just curious
  3. M

    DWC Question?

    expando garden,.....any one heard of , used, might use......... im thinking about modifying one and was wondering if its worth my time?
  4. M

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    expando garden, no one seems to know what they are or if they are ideal, got some other ideas but stil need some feedback
  5. M

    What is the smellest bud

    both skunk and nyc's are two of the stinkiest ive came across too.... also some maui that needed to be quadruple bagged and still left a lingering delicious aroma,
  6. M

    Florida Growers Thread

    very nice, ever heard of expando garden ?
  7. M

    first timer wanting to make hash...

    although i am inexperienced in the blogging world, hash is my fortay, the advise youve gotten so far is right on the money. although a bubble bag may cost more money, it is a one time order, multiple use tool, and when looking for efficient ways to really get ripped from quality, a bubble bag...
  8. M

    Determining SEX Trick

    by throwing one branch into 12/12 with the garbage bag, does that stunt, increase of effect the growth of the rest of plant and if so how and for how long?