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  1. T

    Indoor stunted growth wih yellow leaves

    It has been over a month now and my indoor still hasn't grown much bigger than the diameter of a 3 cm and a height of 10 cm. The leaves are also yellow and are starting to curl over. I havn't used any nutrients yet as I was unsure what to use and was worried about burning the plant, I guess...
  2. T

    What music do you chill out to?

    I recently went to see Kate Miller-Heidke play live and whilst not generally what I'd listen to I find her quite enjoyable (on the ears and eyes). It has pretty much become my new chill out music I don't remember much of the concert but in my mind it was the best concert I've been too :-P...
  3. T

    for those of you who plays an instrument...

    I played a gig recently after rolling one up and whilst it was funny as fuck to the point of the bass player losing it laughing, it is not something I'd make a habit of. Writing on the other hand I enjoy because I generally fuck up whatever it was I was trying to play but occasionally it...
  4. T

    Recycle and minimise waste

    Basically when it comes down to it I am kinda stingey and hate waste so basically I try and get the most outta my stuff. Hopefully in this thread people can post how they minimise waste and everyone can get more from their stuff. 1. I generally cut up over a homemade kif box, this mean s...