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  1. The Rogue Bud

    Medical Cannabis Awareness Week

    Noticed there's a webinar on medical cannabis cultivation for UK Medical Cannabis Awareness week. Some pretty interesting speakers (scientists and cultivators). No idea if it will be any good but thought I would share...
  2. The Rogue Bud

    Leaf discoloration issue

    Hey thanks for checking in. Turns out it was either calcium or magnesium. The supplement I was using for Cal Mag was a powder and wasn’t properly soluble. Upgraded the nutes and they are looking much healthier. Was checking PH based on run off and top dressed as well as make tea.
  3. The Rogue Bud

    Leaf discoloration issue

    Thanks guys. It’s a living soil grow that I am supplementing with worm castings, bat guano, kelp, bonemeal and calmag. I think the calmag nutes may be of poor quality though so I am going to sub them out for some better quality nutes. PH of run off is sitting at about 6.2.
  4. The Rogue Bud

    Leaf discoloration issue

    Hi all! I recently noticed some discoloration on a few of my leaves. Looks like it might be a magnesium or suphur deficiency. Any ideas? Help would be much appreciated!
  5. The Rogue Bud

    A few gnarled leaves

    Hey guys so I’m on to my 3rd grow and noticed this for the first time (check pics). It happened pretty quickly to like 3 leaves (yesterday) and I’m not sure why and I’m worried it may spread. Coco is not overwatered so don’t think it’s that. Any ideas? Plants are outdoors. Thanks for the help.
  6. The Rogue Bud

    Not so Mellow Yellow

    A friend recommended it. But based on Nizza’s response I’ll be holding off. Looks like it’s suited for soil not coco - you live you learn!
  7. The Rogue Bud

    Not so Mellow Yellow

    Ok that’s great advice - I’ll make sure I charge the medium moving forward. Apologies meant to add the brand of coir to last reply. It’s this type (attached).
  8. The Rogue Bud

    Not so Mellow Yellow

    Thanks for this! Wasn’t aware that you need to rinse Coco first! Doh! I bought a PH meter. It indicates that the PH is 5.8. No I’m not measuring ppm. Not even sure what that is! Will need to give it a google. Last year I think I was lucky. Grew a large Amnesia Haze (140g’s) in same medium...
  9. The Rogue Bud

    Not so Mellow Yellow

    Hi guys, so this is my 2nd grow - bit of a newbie. I’m growing 2 x AK47 Autos that are about 4 weeks in. A couple of weeks ago I started getting some issues with burnt leaf tips. Bought a meter and realised that the PH was way too high 7.9. Subsequently corrected it and new growth appears ok...