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  1. widowgwr33

    Roots overtaking pot HELP!!!!!

    yeah well only reason they vegged this long is bc i took some clones 2 weeks ago and wanted to make sure they rooted before i switched the mothers into flowering this way if i needed to take new clones I still could with out having to revert back into the vegging stage.
  2. widowgwr33

    Roots overtaking pot HELP!!!!!

    k sounds good will just let them go then. I didnt have this problem last time but then again these two are growing much better and faster:bigjoint:
  3. widowgwr33

    Roots overtaking pot HELP!!!!!

    just watered my babies (2 female white widow 7 1/2 weeks old) in last week of vegging swithching to flowering this sunday will give me a total of 8 weeks vegg but as I was emptying the water that drained from my plants and noticed thier was roots coming out the holes in my pot. like 6 inches...
  4. widowgwr33

    Is This Ready for Harvest? Pic! Day 65

    wow that thing is gona take forever to harvest. Better make sure you take the time to trim and remove ALL 5 leaves or else your smoke is gona be harsh. LOL Hilarious thread def gota read whole thing. awesome crop I take that Jorge Cervantas joke back lol
  5. widowgwr33

    First Grow!!! What ya guys think is he ready?

    I trimmed 2 branches today gona let the rest go and see what happens and compare smoke. Just wanted to make sure that taking alittle here then a little thier wouldnt hurt it. This is my first grow so will be good to expirment do next one is even better. Thanx guys
  6. widowgwr33

    First Grow!!! What ya guys think is he ready?

    Those pics were taken middle of last week. I dont have my digital camera on me at the moment or id take some pics now, but hairs are def about 80-90% all orange now. I got a 10x mag been lookin for something stronger but think im gona have to order one online. But from what I can see with 10x...
  7. widowgwr33

    First Grow!!! What ya guys think is he ready?

    Whats if I harvest half now and let the other half go a week will I still see a difference in crystals or would I have to wait longer since I harvested half. Im gettin ready to chop today no matter what just depends on what ya guys say about the crystalization if I harvest all or just half so...
  8. widowgwr33

    Question about harvesting half now and half next weekend

    :weed:I am just gettin ready to harvest my white widow. It's been in flowering for 9 weeks. I flushed with sugar water last sunday then kept same lighting schedual then yesterday I turned the lights off for 24 hrs. Now I've been told to let it go for another week and supposably Ill get alot more...
  9. widowgwr33

    First Grow!!! What ya guys think is he ready?

    An extra week see thats the thing im worried about the thc starting to degrade. Just about most the hairs are orange and I dont realy have a microscope to check the trichomes out. Like I said I plan on choppin her in the am. Whats the perfect magnification to beable to see the trichomes good so...
  10. widowgwr33

    First Grow!!! What ya guys think is he ready?

    Yeah the one on the left is one of the free mix seeds I got. I got 20 free with and order and i planted 3 from the mix and 1 widow. 2 out of the 3 mix were males. It's def a sativa if I had the room it would of probably been much bigger. Buds on it def arent as tight as the widow but def ended...
  11. widowgwr33

    First Grow!!! What ya guys think is he ready?

    Thanx and I just realized the titled said that ooopppps thats like a huge insult hope I didnt hurt my plants feelings:oBut yes the title was suppose to say IS SHE READY? Im useing a 2ft flouresent for germ stage then switched to 400watt MH for veg then to HPS bulb for flowering. Light and...
  12. widowgwr33

    First Grow!!! What ya guys think is he ready?

    A few bowls later and look what I learned how to do lol. Heres some pics of the first grow. So what do ya say they ready to chop or what
  13. widowgwr33

    First Grow!!! What ya guys think is he ready?

    :weed:so im right about at 8 weeks of flowering and im thinking my beautiful white widow is ready for harvest. I flushed and trimmed all fan leaves to allow light to lower areas. I plan on turning lights of tonight at normal time then keeping them off till i plan to trim which is prolly sat...