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  1. J

    Should i top??

    hey, im using the scrog method and its my first attemp. anyway, i just wondered if i shud top as my plant has just reached the screen. its branching good already but im just not sure what to do. any suggestions one way or the other wud be appreciated. Peace.
  2. J

    Feminized seeds

    Has anyone ever got a male from feminized seeds. i know its possible i just wanted to see if it had happened to many people as i only have room for one plant!! peace
  3. J

    claw leaf, please help! tried everything.

    when mine looked like that it was overwatering but im not an experienced grower soi cud be wrong :bigjoint:
  4. J

    Bad shit

    cheers guys peace
  5. J

    Bad shit

    my plant grew loads over night and when i checked it one of the leaves was touching the bulb (cfl). it crisped the leaf across the middle. this ever happened to anyone else? will it stress it and slow the growth?? its harsh as fuck man.
  6. J

    very quick question

    Thanks. i just wasn't sure if it would stress it.
  7. J

    very quick question

    is it good to remove dead/dying leaves or is it better to let them fall naturally. what does everyone think??? Peace:peace::peace:
  8. J

    i think its worse than i thought

    just flushed it and now its starting to perk up. thinkit was high ph. it perked up within minutes!!!
  9. J

    i think its worse than i thought

    anybody know whats wrong with these? i thought it might be overwatering and other people on here thought so too so i have let the soil dry out. the problem is just gettin worse and im starting to think its something else. any thoughts would be appreciated.
  10. J

    quick question

    i havn't checked the rp. wouldn't i need something else to test the ph off the ro? or would the soil testing solution stuff work??
  11. J

    quick question

    my ph is 7 but i dont have a clue what the PPM is. i think im just over analysing this shit. but i got a moisture meter and the soil is almost completely dry. i just got paranoid coz i heard its badf to let it completely dry out.
  12. J

    quick question there are picks on this thread but its A LOT worse now
  13. J

    quick question

    i overwatered my plant so i have let the soil almost dry out. problem is it still looks overwatered so should i water it or leave it till it stops drooping so much?? Anybody know what to do??
  14. J

    Help Please

    Thanks man. its big bang btw your grow slide show is awesome man. :peace:
  15. J

    Help Please

    Thanks man. i will let it dry out this time. would that be causing the purple stems as well? or is taht something else? thanks again for the help
  16. J

    Help Please

    ive been watering it weekly but i guess the soil was still a little damp. i just thought i week would be long enough. should i leave it longer than a week then? ive only just got a vent put in, would that effect it?
  17. J

    Help Please

    hi guys. im on my first grow using big bang and its been goin ok. anyway,the last couple of days the leaves have started to get a 'claw' effect and the tips are pointing straight down. the leaves are still green but the stems of the older leaves are purple. any help would be appreciated and if...
  18. J

    Cabinet grow- Big bang help!!

    Im on my first cabinet grow and my plant has just started to grow quickly since early ph problems. problem is i watered it a day or so ago and now the leaves are starting to curl down a lot. The growth rate doesn't seem to be effected at the moment but my stems are VERY purple. Also two of the...
  19. J

    Topping your plants