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  1. M

    Cant figure out what is going on here, need help

    Thanks bro, if more of this shit shows up I'll update the topic
  2. M

    Cant figure out what is going on here, need help

    Well because it is so fucking expensive in my country and also I cant get it from another country too, because most of the sellers are not shipping to my country, so I had to use cfl However I'll use led next time, CFL does not worth the effort
  3. M

    Cant figure out what is going on here, need help

    Thanks for the reply, what do you think about the patches on the leaves do I have a nutrient burn or something else?
  4. M

    Cant figure out what is going on here, need help

    Hello, There is a problem with this lady however due my lack of experience I cant figure out what is the problem, I am posting the pictures below please help me There was nitrogen toxicity and I fixed it by flushing, also I realized my oscilator fan was too close to the plant and I moved it...
  5. M

    Sprouted seed stopped growing after transplanting to soil

    Well I did this exactly and now it is dead :( It is my fault but I have a young healthy plant I hope I'd not screw this up too
  6. M

    Sprouted seed stopped growing after transplanting to soil

    Is it seems alive to you? should I transport it to another small pot?
  7. M

    Sprouted seed stopped growing after transplanting to soil

    Hi, I have 2 plants one of them is healthy and one of them doesn't seems so much healthy. I placed them 1 week ago into soil. Here are the photos The unhealty one did stop growing after 1 day and it stayed like that for one week without growing Temp range is between 25-28 celsius and...