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  1. lllmudlll

    Apologies in advance

    I've had great luck with the spider farmer sf-4000
  2. lllmudlll

    Help! Need Advice on LED Lights

    I wish I had a number for ya but I only have a 100 gram scale...and it just seemed like such a chore to weigh it all. If I had to guess I'd say about 5 or 6oz. per plant and I got pollinated somewhere around week 6 of flower. So in think I could have got a bit more out of them...but anyway...
  3. lllmudlll

    Help! Need Advice on LED Lights

    I'm running an sf 4000 in a 4x4 scrog. It performed very well.
  4. lllmudlll

    Mars hydro ts600 for small section of tent?

    The ts-600 is a little over 31 cm wide. So they will likely touch the sides of that little side part. But as far a s the lights go the work great for me in veg. I used a dedicated light and went thru to harvest with em. I'm not sure how well they performed for flower, my yields weren't the...
  5. lllmudlll

    4x4 light for $1,000

    I've been real happy with my spiderfarmer sf 4000. It only cost me 600
  6. lllmudlll


    I've had some alot of yellow leaves down low looks like n deficiency. And then I noticed these little guys so I assumed it was them. I'll let it get droopy before i water next time and probly flush at the same time just torule out n tox
  7. lllmudlll


    I seem to have springtails infestation... and decided to add about a half inch of oildry ( which is chunky diotomacious earth.) on top of my soil. I know some guys do the same thing with sand to keep pests out. Any thoughts on this and if it could effect my root zone in anyway? Or if it will...
  8. lllmudlll

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I just put about a half inch on top of my soil to try and deal with what I think are springtails. If it works I'm g ok nna start using it like sand
  9. lllmudlll

    Is this normal?

    It changed from two leaves to three at the second node. I didnt find that it had three until I topped. And its bag seed I'm about 90 percent sure it came from a friends white rabbit
  10. lllmudlll

    Is this normal?

    Just topped this plant...its got three sets of new growth. Does this happen often?
  11. lllmudlll

    Cal deficency?

    Tap water ph 6.2 ish. I bought a cheap pen and it's way off so I've been using the drops...and they hadn't got any nutes till today but that included cal mag. It's my first grow so I feel maybe I'm kinda hyper aware of everything...
  12. lllmudlll

    Cal deficency?

    Cal deficency??
  13. lllmudlll

    Back-yard dirt

    Isnt that what the make auhuaska out of?...(I know that I spelled that wrong)
  14. lllmudlll

    First grow, possibly overwatered 2 week old seedling, looking for advice

    Look like n toxicity to me. Does your soil have those little time release plant food balls?
  15. lllmudlll

    Node spacing and trimming?

    Is this good node spacing at 3 weeks? We had a cold snap in the first week and I'm afraid they may be stunted... They seem very healthy just short and bushy... Really just kinda want to how the girls look to a trained eye... Dont know the strain. I think its white rabbit... but I'm not sure I...