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  1. RedLeonard

    WIN Greenhouse Seeds Kalashnikova - 2 Prizes from Gorilla Seeds

    Sign me up, never had the chance to try either yet
  2. RedLeonard

    Hydrogen Peroxide Wash

    250 ml of 4% h202 per 5 gallons of water
  3. RedLeonard

    Powdery mildew?

    Def pm
  4. RedLeonard

    Southern Ontario Outdoor Crop Info

    Ice cream cake... Niagara
  5. RedLeonard

    Win Barneys Farm Runtz Muffin form Gorilla Seeds

    Sounds interesting
  6. RedLeonard

    soil vs synthetic nutes

    Yes unless the synthetic nutes ph for you, like advance ph perfect
  7. RedLeonard

    soil vs synthetic nutes

    I’m doing a side by side as we speak, so yes you can
  8. RedLeonard

    Organic amendments in ontario

    Sw Ontario.. we got bobs grow mart, northern lights hydroponics, new leaf hydroponics, homegrown hydroponics, plenty of choices and selection around here
  9. RedLeonard

    I bought the advance nutrients

    I use pro mix hp
  10. RedLeonard

    I bought the advance nutrients

    Never used coco sorry
  11. RedLeonard

    I bought the advance nutrients

    Advance 3 part ph’s the water for you.... is the claim , whole ph perfect thing... the whole question I was trying to answer is the cal mag.. what’s in the dispenser water? If it’s 150 ish ppm no need for cal mag..
  12. RedLeonard

    I bought the advance nutrients

    6.8 is ph.... ppm is parts per million... basically how much stuff is in your water.. water dispenser? So reverse osmosis water ? Def must have cal mag cause RO has nothing in it
  13. RedLeonard

    I bought the advance nutrients

    There’s def no cal mag... but you only need cal Mag if your using RO water or distilled... if your using tap check your ppm if there around 150 your good, any lower need some cal mag, any higher than 150 and I’d suggest calling water company and getting analysis of what’s in it
  14. RedLeonard

    I bought the advance nutrients

    If you want the advance it’s sensi calmag
  15. RedLeonard

    I bought the advance nutrients

    Man you got a lot of stuff, check out the bud labs app it’s for advance nutes...
  16. RedLeonard

    Lets see them plants!!

    Last night pics
  17. RedLeonard

    first time outdoors!!! Need some feedback!!!!!

    I’m not the most experienced at all but I’d say it looks good and maybe add some fans for air circulation