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  1. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

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  2. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    Day 34 on that stunted stretchy auto NL. I really don’t know what to expect from that :confused: Started the flowering process 4 days ago but keepin it in the veg cycle / Nutes.
  3. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

  4. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    hey guys @MrToad69 @JoeBlow5823 @Kilbarrack Should I Prune the under deck? I’m in day 29 and I don’t think there is gonna be bud down there due to all false moves I made in the seedling stage. It’s kinda tall and not so bushy as I wanted. Btw still in veg but I think that’s about to change in...
  5. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    Update. Day 28. Stunted auto NL Fed today after one week with bio Vega / ca-mag / root it first feed. Still in veg and happy. What do u think I can get out of this in the end?
  6. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    So U suggest sticking the moisture meter right into the root ball? In the middle of the plant? Do I get that right? Ps the plant today 18cm/7.5inch stunted auto 26th day
  7. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    meters probe into the root ball? Really? Are u not afraid to hurt the ball or to damage some root? I only put in the corners and around! Whole knuckle deep dry but bottom meters from moist to wet in some spots.. but mostly the bottom is still moist after 6 days
  8. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    @Kilbarrack yes I do. Started from day 10 with root sitmulator and 0.5/1l bio Vega.. nothing much changed cause I tried for the first grow to be careful (less is more) last week went to 1ml of bio Vega and tomorrow first time 0.5ml cal mag / 2ml root it / 2ml bio Vega (all these per 1litre of...
  9. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    @Kilbarrack yeah for sure I agree with u.. 6 days with without water and no wilting or anything else besides night when the leaves drop. But in the day they all up. I’m using first feed root it, bio cal-mag, bio Vega for veg and later on bio flower
  10. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    @Kilbarrack temps are 27 daytime and 18-20 night time outside. RH 20-40% aprox the whole day. I didn’t watered cause I bought last week a moisture meter, one knuckle deep it’s dry but with the moisture meter going till down it showed me that the bottom is moist to wet in some corners. I don’t...
  11. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    @Kilbarrack she was stunted for the first 10 days of overwatering.. all that growth came the rest 16days. Maybe I got some time maybe not.. But still can’t figure out if should or not water and feed her cause the bottom is still moist. It would be basically the first long wet/dry cycle
  12. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    Plant is now 18cm/7.5in and 26days old. Haven’t watered for 6 days now :/ Still in veg thank god :P measured the pot with moisture meter and it’s dry till 2inch but under that deep down everywhere moist and in one two spots also a bit wet compared by the moisture meter. Should I water and feed...
  13. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    @Kilbarrack there u go mate, only using the tent for the night schedule 19:00-02:00. And 08:00-19:00 it’s on the balcony along with the hot sun of direct and indirect sunlights depending on the time of the day. I live in Southern Europe, quite hot already. also I found some whiteflies in my...
  14. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    Here we go the first issue with the new upgrade.. White flies everywhere aaaagggrgrr frustration. I closed the lights and moved the pot outside to the dark balcony till I find a solution. 5minutes starring at the tend I managed killing 5 or 10 pfff.. Couldn’t risk to live the plant in there.
  15. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    @Kilbarrack hey mate 24th day now and from last week I started given her 1ml/1litre bio Vega. It’s in biocanna bioterra plus soil. This week I’m gonna raise to 2ml and also bought myself bio bizz cal mag. Should I use it in the next days only with water (without feeding bioVega) or together...
  16. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    In the end.. I want that shit only for my personal use. 30-40g per plant would be perfect for me. Thing is, is it possible with all that I have till now?
  17. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    Btw even DIY is not cheap.. another starter mistake from me. I mean All together it costed me aprox 25$ veg + 25flower fcl 12$ mylar 15$ wardrobe tent 15$ soil 40$ Nutes 20$ cables and electronics 15$ vent.. Damn i mean put it together and I buy a real system from start. That’s life learning...
  18. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    @MrToad69 yeah I know you’re right, but I already started that hole DIY method and paid for the veg light already 25$ so I’m gonna by these flower bulbs for the next stage as well, and in fall I’m gonna invest the whole package that would cost me around 250$ with everything packed inside and...
  19. H

    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    @randallb tent size is 160x40x60. Enough to get thru the first grow w one plant I think, later in fall I will buy me a real one with all the goodies :) @MrToad69 Plant is now 24days old I’m gonna try push it as long as I can in the veg stage and in 10-14 days I will buy another x2 120w fcl but...
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    Beginners fail.. autoflower outdoor

    @JoeBlow5823 hey joe!! New update!! -160cm tall tend with Mylar -a medium vent looking up -x2 120w cfl 6.400. Unfortunately no filter. The whole tent is a DIY fabric wardrobe.. Planning in fall to buy a real tent with all the goodies. I leave all the balcony doors open so fresh air comes in and...