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    first time indoor - homemade grow tent, vent q's

    ok, so i tried posting earlier but it didnt show up. Basically i built a 1.5'x3'x5' grow tent from panda film and a 24 buck wardrob closet from wally. I am looking for suggestions to cool it. i have a 250w hps so it wont be terribly hot but still enough to need vent. i live alone so i am just...

    1st time indoor - homemade grow tent, vent questions

    Hello everyone, This is my first post and first indoor grow and first hydro. Lotta firsts so i will need everyone's wisdom. So i have been lurking for a while, and getting supplies and stuff. I am finally at a place where i am almost done. I have 6 seedlings under some flouros, just bagseed...