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  1. G

    Leafs stains - please help!

    Thanks for the response! I mist her with neen oil every 7 days, last time was 5 days ago, can burn stains show up 4/5 days after? or would they show sooner, I try to let them dry completely first before exposing them to the lights again, however it is posible that there were water droplets and...
  2. G

    Leafs stains - please help!

    Hello! My Bloody Skunk Auto strain on week 5 has some strange stains on its leaves (I POSTED SOME PICS), It appears to be mainly on the fan leaves torward the top and the new growth at the top. It does not appear to be spider mites, and it has appeared very quickly. Could someone please advise...
  3. G

    To pot up at all or not to..

    From germination to final pot will get you the best results, if you do decide to transplant, be fragile, water with a root stimulator after ttransplanting and have it in your final pot by about day ten, before 2 weeks. From there just let it grow, I give mine 19 hours light / 5 hours dark (18...
  4. G

    To pot up at all or not to..

    Totally agree, from germination to final pot works best.