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  1. E

    What is Christ?

    Okay... I just realized that Im done with this website.... God is Love :) Peace and Love :)
  2. E

    What is Christ?

    ne wayz... im pooped. lol.. Gnight GOD IS LOVE :)
  3. E

    What is Christ?

    I may be WAY off with this... But I think is the writer of Demitri Martins work.... If i'm wrong, then I blame it on the earth... If I'm right i credit it to God. I'm just trying to be a good samaritan, I'm no prophet. Lol. GOD is LOVE :)
  4. E

    What is Christ?

    I got your number Francesco Rafael Rengifo... lol. God is Love :) Peace and Love :)
  5. E

    would you like to be friends? or are you trying to stay as anonymous as i am? Did you check...

    would you like to be friends? or are you trying to stay as anonymous as i am? Did you check out eva... she is a story teller... she paints quite a vivid picture... she performed at my school.... really wierd because I go to a non-secular professional school. God is Love :) Peace and Love :)
  6. E

    What is Christ?

    What, do you want a testimonial? I got a lot.... Just wait... my great friend Eva Grayzel is about to do BIG THINGS in the name of GOD... We are collaborating on some pretty heavy issues that directly effect you as a CHRIST LOVING person, and a marijuana appreciator. Check this beautiful lady...
  7. E

    Obama is the anti-Christ!!!

    I didn't read this discussion from the top but I'm assuming your discussing stem cell research/implementation..... Correct? I Love what you said here... It is very articulate and well spoken... You got me on your side with that matter.... aka. Don't "play god"... We have the technology to...
  8. E

    Obama is the anti-Christ!!!

    Honestly his name "barack" in arabic means blessing.... He is not CHRIST nor the ANTICHRIST.... His family is a strong family of CHISTIANS. What is Christ? God is Love Peace and love
  9. E

    Obama is the anti-Christ!!!

    Honestly his name "barack" in arabic means blessing.... He is not CHRIST nor the ANTICHRIST.... His family is a strong family of CHISTIANS. God is Love :) Peace and love :)
  10. E

    What is Christ?

    Sorry wacky I missed the part where you said... That you .... "LOVE" with all your heart.... and the "Peace was restored between yourself and "LOVE" GOD IS LOVE :) Peace and LOVE to you all :)
  11. E

    What is Christ?

    The crazy thing about me spending all this time discussing this with you wacky is that.... I'm a very busy Dental student going through essentially: medical school and a 20 hour a week "arts and crafts" course... ( GOD is helping me and others on this page (in his name) to discuss with you on...
  12. E

    What is Christ?

    There are many ways to interpret that movie....... VANITY (was what they decided to highlight) .... as just 1 example of the 7 deadly sins. God is love :) Peace and love to you all :) (ITS FREE.... GODS LOVE IS FREEE... hmmmmmmmmmm) PS. Don't forget we got cookies on the LIGHT side to...
  13. E

    What is Christ?

    Don't get me wrong I believe in The Father (aka. God), Christ (aka. Jesus), and the dove (aka. The Holy Spirit) all working together on the same team of 1. You are quite the devils advocate.... Who are you, Al Pacino.....? (Notice that movie's...
  14. E

    What is Christ?

    It's really easy to point our fingers and judge.... but honestly, I think we have to self-reflect on our own words and behaviors before we blindly say things against someone else.... Or even worse...... against an entire faith. God is Love :) Peace and Love to you all :)
  15. E

    What is Christ?

    Another quote that I like.... "to his own be true." also... "take the log out of your own eye before you take the spec out of someone elses." God is love :) Peace and love :)
  16. E

    What is Christ?

    I really wanna watch that... but I have a test in like five hours... LOLOL... It's cool I studied a lil... God will help me with the rest... SERIOUSLY.... He always does. It's pretty awesome.... NE wayz, going to bed now... Gnight... God bless. God is love :) Peace and love :)
  17. E

    What is Christ?

    YES BROTHER! you can show can show the same thing!!! That's my signature on Facebook and my signature after everytext message i make.... and of course... How i try to live my life. Treat others the way you would want to be treated... with love... God bless you brother PS. God is love :)...
  18. E

    What is Christ?

    Come to the LIGHT side... we have cookies toooo! We are just a little more full of life.... sorry to be soo blunt. God is love :) Peace and love to you :)
  19. E

    What is Christ?

    keep em coming man... YOur amazing... I wish I studied theology as you did... HONESTLY... You know some really heavy stuff.... PS. thank you for backing Christ when i couldn't ( you are very articulate) PPS. (to all reading) God is love :) Peace and love unto all of you :)
  20. E

    24 hr light during veg?

    That is exactly what i ended up doing... side note... this is my first grow... and I just started flowering on valentines...(kinda funny how that worked out). lol.... Thanks for the advice SICC. God is love:) Peace and love:)