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  1. HighAsElephantTits

    Led Users Unite!

    It was only 10 weeks. Most my cycles are 10/10 I like the effect that more bioactive soil has on bud formation. It gives the inoculants I feed more time to thrive and make connections within the root zone, establishing a more regenerative cycle before I flip. If I reuse soil (usually I start an...
  2. HighAsElephantTits

    24/7 LED Veg anyone?

    I have two clients that run Plant Therapy, it does smell wonderful and works for most bugs. However in my honest opinion, it does not super effectively control spider mites even with heavy dosing. It will prevent them from building webs and getting rampantly out of control, but not so much that...
  3. HighAsElephantTits

    24/7 LED Veg anyone?

    Yes, multi metering can affect you, usually I trust the same one and only use my backup to check if I feel like the pH or PPMs aren't making sense given what I mixed in. As far as spider mites go, Green Cleaner is my favorite. Over a week I will apply a heavy amount during my last thatch, this...
  4. HighAsElephantTits

    Cotyledon question??

    If you were over watering the seedling would not be growing, you would notice, and it would probably flop over. it should never be bone dry, slightly damp is a good point to rewater. Unless the tent is hot it probably doesn't need water more than once every 48-72 hours. That's a good pH to get...
  5. HighAsElephantTits

    Cotyledon question??

    What makes you say that? Nothing in the pic indicates it's water logged lol
  6. HighAsElephantTits

    Cotyledon question??

    That's good stuff. Is that a soil pH meter? Or for temps? If so, what pH does it show? Are you running nutes?
  7. HighAsElephantTits

    Cotyledon question??

    perfectly normal, they'll straighten out over the next 10 days. Then apical dominance will really make headway on node development and you're good to go. What mix are you in? Looks nice
  8. HighAsElephantTits

    Cotyledon question??

    Post a pic to help us visualize a bit more clearly but no you don't need to worry (probably), they start as a folded pair that looks like a single knob that quickly parts in 2 thin light green (usually) leaves that will typically curl downward for the first couple of days until it starts to...
  9. HighAsElephantTits

    New grower few questions

    CO2 cannot be utilized by the roots, roots respire oxygen like we do, CO2 is taken in via the stomata on plant leaves, so it can be converted into sugar the plant can use. Hence, CO2 supplementation is always in the air, not the water. CO2 in water acidifies it, so really its only use is as a pH...
  10. HighAsElephantTits

    Are these hermie?

    ^^ yup, as he stated, normal growth
  11. HighAsElephantTits

    Led Users Unite!

    -10ft square tent without CO2 supplementation -1 Spectre Phaser X660 (left) and 1 Fluence SpydrX+ (2016 model) (right) -11 Week Veg under shop lights @180-250umols avg -50/50 mix vermifire soil/tupur gold coco -Bucket company 10gal -about 20 products in the feed regiment
  12. HighAsElephantTits

    24/7 LED Veg anyone?

    Are we certain there are no spider mites in this grow? Those spots could be where the eggs and hatched mites are causing deficiencies but with how much I see, I would also expect to see some webbing by now, which I cannot see, but it is a little hard to tell. A closeup of some heavily affected...