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  1. Impregnant

    JACKS reverse engineering

    Very intereseting. Thanks for sharing this bro.
  2. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Formula for leafs: Vpsat Where T is leaf Temperature in Celsius. Formula for Room: VPair Where T is air Temperature in Celsius and RH is Relative Humidity VPD= (VPsat – VPair) No no this is not what i was saying. There are no magic numbers. I had problems. Find out VPD. Tune mine not...
  3. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Whatever the numbers. VPD is just a way to make the transpiration goes up or down and to observe results. Specially with such fast responding plants. I love how people try to make it worthless, while they want to feed theirs plants the more they can.
  4. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Just try it. You will see how much happier are your plants when you tune your VPD.
  5. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Same light too close. It just my fault. When you come from HID lights, you kinda think that you can go closer with LED because they run much cooler.
  6. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Ok, First thing that i can say is that my 4-5°C difference between room and leafs is caused by a too cloose Quantuum Board. I just moved the LEDs up, and problem was solved. I am now in the 2-1°C range. Everything has changed from that point. EC and PH acting the opposite way they have done for...
  7. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    I think that it is an establish fact that plant's metabolism increase while water temperature increase. Also for microbes. Goods and bads.
  8. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Yea i just plugged the chiller because this is my first RDWC run, and of course you read a ton of bullshit before to start...but i will do it different next time. I have some cutting which are plants right now, because i dont have time for them. Water temperature is room temperature. Roots are...
  9. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    I was keeping my water that fresh because i was thinking it could be better for disolved oxygen, and also pythium safety. But this domain is also foggy... I was keeping my lights at what the manufacturer says, so 40-50cm in bloom. But 5 quantum at this distance is a lot of light. I wonder why in...
  10. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Humm... That would be very funny, after all this time, to run after something that is 100% bullshit. Indeed i reefer to that chart where you read that for a bloom stage your plant should be between 1.2-1.6 VPD. You said that greenhouses aim for 0.5! Can i ask you where you got this info that i...
  11. Impregnant

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Im not sure that we can continue here but i will try.. I've read and read and read. Im under LEDs, having Cal or Mag issue since i started. I read several times that, when you are under LEDs your LST should be room temperature or -1° or -2°. When it is 29.5°C in my room temps, my LST is often 4...
  12. Impregnant

    CMH and quantum board combination

    Can you tell me what is the temperature of the CMH? What is your room temperature?
  13. Impregnant

    Led Users Unite!

    Yea but i hardly find what are the difference with a classic HPS. I can find the different specification about spectrum and whatsoever, but in the end, why i should go HPS or CMH.
  14. Impregnant

    Led Users Unite!

    In my case, i have 5 Quantum Board running at the moment. I was thinking to replace 2 of them by CMH or HPS. I think mixing with led could be a very good option, warming the leafs. I'm hesitating between HPS and CMH indeed. CMH may be the better of two worlds, warming up the leafs without...
  15. Impregnant

    Led Users Unite!

    Does CMH increase your Leaf temperature as much as an HPS do it ?
  16. Impregnant

    Led Users Unite!

    Hello guys, Very interesting inforamtions here. Air tends to dry out quickly under strong LED? I have to say that i have problems to go below 58% humidity with 5 x 240W pannels. I let my room temperature going up, until 30 celsius, but my leaf temperature is 25 celsius maximum who gives me a...
  17. Impregnant

    Pool Shock Calcium Hypochlorite 65% Question

    Sorry to be late on this but, did you found out what happened exactlr @fartoblue ?
  18. Impregnant

    Never seen before. Strange spots on the leaves.

    I've seen somewhere that, depending on the brand, you have severals TDS meters.
  19. Impregnant

    Never seen before. Strange spots on the leaves.

    Ok then which one ppm? The left one of the right one. Always the same question... Edit; Ok sorry on the 0.5 scale you mentioned.
  20. Impregnant

    Never seen before. Strange spots on the leaves.

    Sorry but i only undesrtand microsiemens and EC. I dont get baited by ppm anymore. :hump: