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  1. G

    Learning how to water properly.

    Some good reading I'd recommend searching for is on 420mag, emilya - proper way to water a potted plant. Might find some/all of the info as useful as i have so far.. Best of luck!
  2. G

    Trying to narrow down symptom cause

    so, as a preface, this is my 3rd/4th of this strain. I had some early issues overwatering, overfeeding etc for 1 and 2. Thouhht i had reigned it in for the most part, but still running into issues mid-late flowering. 300w draw led hollandstar 6x 1800 Purple kush - feminized autoflower - Sonoma...
  3. G

    Extreme underwatering

    ..or you could water it with ph'd water, see if it comes back.. What's to lose? I've seen some pretty gnarled plants bounce back, hell i split and removed the seeds' shell myself on my 2nd to last planting, after 3 weeks of struggling to germ, figured it wasnt any good, but wth right?, only a...
  4. G

    Yellow tips?

    I'd second start of burn. Some of the nutrients may be in the soil still, reactivating when watered until the plant can actually use it all. Imo, keepy go, but can probably just use ph'd water for the next cycle or two, watching how they react. I wouldnt be quick to dump in more P yet, as an...
  5. G

    Question about supplemental lighting

    Time will tell, right? Lol I might just be overthinking it atm anyways. Gonna see how everything goes with my "fixes" before i stick my feet in too. I'll probably not mess with the hardware until afterwards, see how these changes go first before starting to overhaul others, but itll have to...
  6. G

    Question about supplemental lighting

    Veru good possibility. I was around 5%amber, waited a week, chopped the top half, until i was getting looser stuff, then stuck the bottom back in for another week. I ran out of patience lol, had issues, and wanted to get the next batch going to start fresh with my list of fixes :) For sure...
  7. G

    Question about supplemental lighting

    Mm, yeah. I think that was around what i was looking at. Rspec/r2 or similar. I'll have a gander, i think when i do it though, itll be the 2 135s. Multiple point sources and all the tinkering options ftw lol. I cant doorstop the current light. Not neutered yet, not looking for it anytime soon...
  8. G

    Question about supplemental lighting

    Hehe yeah, very well may be gentics. Wasnt disagreeing. Its really too bad. I would love to have really seen this strain in its prime. Not to say that the high is bad in any way. It might take an extra bowl or two to feel truly inebriated for a few, but im quite content currently. Hell, its a...
  9. G

    Question about supplemental lighting

    Very well could be genetics tbh. From what ive researched; yeah the strain sounds nice, and the effects match. But i have serious doubts about it being a true purple kush. Maybe close, but if it was clone only, maybe bastardized to shit to make the strain semi-legit for sale
  10. G

    Question about supplemental lighting

    Yeah, not teally a whole lot of info avaliable for the light i grabbed. Decent price, hald decent results imo, but Yeah it could be better. I was initially misled, i guess. Not salty yet, but searching for adjustments xD 'Recent led strip build or led boards', can you clarify? Do you mean a...
  11. G

    Question about supplemental lighting

    The potency isnt too bad, obviously ive had better. The stone is very very nice, but wears off rather quickly afyer the first hour or so. Not necessarily a bad thing, guess it depends on the perspective. Colours came secondary or further, it was the effects i was more concerned with. Not gonna...
  12. G

    Question about supplemental lighting

    To preface; Just finished drying/curing first grow. I dont have a final weight, but came in around 3oz dried between the 2 "purple kush" autoflowers. Attached are photos in mid-late flower, and how it came out after drying/cure. To be fair, i ran into a number of issues that have since...
  13. G

    Assistance Needed Diagnosing

    Closing out this thread. Thanks for the help guys/. Following up, in case anyone had a similar issue and wants to know how this fared. Honestly, chose to ignore temps. It might be brushing a bit lower than I'd aim for, but not overly concerned on this go round, maybe next winter. Ended up...
  14. G

    Hollandstar 1800watt cob grow light.

    A bit late to the party, but i also grabbed one of the 1800w from amazon when they were cheaper. Recommended from a friend. Tough SOB to find data on, without testing myself. So far so good though. Obviously better choices the more knowledge gained as we go, but for the price, cant complain too...
  15. G

    Assistance Needed Diagnosing

    Can add, but i really dont trust leaving it unattended. I work long hours. If winter grows will suffer a bit of yield for peace of mind, i think thats the reality ill be faced with. Im sure the spring/summer will bring better conditions (and likely a new host of issues) Sorry, feels bad having...
  16. G

    Assistance Needed Diagnosing

    I usually wait until the soil meter hits from moist to dry before watering/feeding. Should i catch it a bit earlier than that? Its usually before any kind of thirst wilt. Ill be keeping an eye on soil ph for the next few wrrks anyways, give me a little more varied test results around the pot...
  17. G

    Assistance Needed Diagnosing

    Hehe ill be honest, thats a bit advanced for me still, Likely simple, but the wifey holds the cards on that one lol. Watered earliet today for the plants. Ill squeeze a 2nd watering in before feeding again later this week, see how that pans out. Seems to have stalled the progression so far at...
  18. G

    Assistance Needed Diagnosing

    Ok, so.. plan is: pots are light, lights are off. 2pm Watering at lights on, carries me probably to tuesday afternoon, switch back to feeding schedule, aimed at <800ppm 1.5-1.6ec, = ~1100mark on 700 scale. Shooting for 5.8-6.0 ph to help bring back under 6.2 (based on last 6.37 test) * Does...
  19. G

    Assistance Needed Diagnosing

    Do you know any good reference material regarding soil temps vs ambient temps, like how much lower i can expect it to be (ballpark i guess, too many factors) or better yet, anything about nutrient uptake at various temps? Sounds interesting
  20. G

    Assistance Needed Diagnosing

    With the 500/700 scale thing, if im understanding it correctly; im thinking 1100ppm, ec comes out around 2.2, but at 700 scale im at like 1540 or so. Correct? Fuck, wait. Lol, im forgetting i dont want to be running AN at full strength anyways, I think there was another *0.75 (or slightly...