Well I'll look at it kind of like a race car if I got a kick ass motor and b******* tires you're not going nowhere or if I got b******* tires in elite motor just still not going nowhere you need to find a happy medium of what works for you
I bought a 400 watt high pressure sodium a metal halide together I wish I would have bought a 600 because it's dimmable but I took my LED back and get my money back
You know I was making it difficult at first trying this and that in this but I tell you it the more simpler that I make it the better results that I have
I have mine in the closet and I keep the door open and this time of year sorry cool outside I don't have an issue with it now somebody comes over you know I shut the door but it's not for long so they they Thrive man I've got one plant that's probably 10 in tall it's a auto White Widow and man...
You know I spent a lot of money on LEDs and everything else and tried this and that and this but I tell you once I got the metal halide with the high pressure sodium they perked up within an hour, man it was amazing 1 hour and they've been Thrive and ever since
I usually pH my water but you can do regular tap water I have no problem with that anything's better than burning the hell out of them what kind of light do you have?