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  1. N

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    Loudblunts- do you use the excelerator in your cloner? Have you ever used it on another system like your flowering tray?
  2. N

    Dwc Grow Club

    I am wondering if alot of my problems are that I am using RO water! I was thinking of switching over to my well water is that a good idea or stick with the RO?
  3. N

    Dwc Grow Club

    Here is a question for everyone, How full should my bucket's be? They are 5 gal with the pre made 6" lid! I am keeping them 1" bellow the bottom of the pot right now.
  4. N

    Dwc Grow Club

    I am using A brand called ionic that I ordered. I just used the grow and bloom formula and nothing else, Do you really think it might be lacking something? With what might be goingon with the nuts I am wondering if I should change! Can everyone please help me with what brands of nuts they use...
  5. N

    Dwc Grow Club

    I have changed my probe on my ph meter and brought the ph to 6 in my dwc and still no change in the color of the leafs! What can I be doing wrong?
  6. N

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    Is there A stop or slow down my vertical growth? My plant's keep tipping over because they are to top heavy.
  7. N

    Dwc Grow Club

    I did re calibrate and it was off! So now we will see how they do, How long will it take before I see A diffrence?
  8. N

    Dwc Grow Club

    My ph has been kept at 6! I havent calibrated my meter in A while.
  9. N

    Dwc Grow Club

    I need some help from everyone. I have these plant's that are unknown and are in DWC veg'n right now. I have been applying Bio Neem to them every 4 day's, And my plan'ts look like crap. The leafs almost look dry on some and real pale with some brown spot's on A couple of them! What could be...
  10. N

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    I need some advice from you guy's, I am running a small sog and the plants are getting really tall and fall over! Is there a way I can keep them smaller?
  11. N

    feom flower back to veg!

    Thank you! So 18/6 it is and I hope it goes good!
  12. N

    feom flower back to veg!

    I was wondering if taking 1-3 week old flowering plants back to veg using 18/6 light cycle is ok? I have heard to use 24 hr but I can't do that were I am living. Any help would be great!
  13. N

    going from flower back to veg

    I was wondering if taking 1-3 week old flowering plants back to veg using 18/6 light cycle is ok? I have heard to use 24 hr but I can't do that were I am living. Any help would be great!
  14. N

    Dwc Grow Club

    So 5.8 will work from seedling all the way to mother size
  15. N

    Dwc Grow Club

    I have A quick and hopefully simple question! I am getting ready to put some clones into my DWC bucket's that will 1 day be my mothers... Were should I keep my PH from seedling to mother? Does it change with the age of the plant? I was told to start them at 5.8 and then on the second month togo...
  16. N

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    quick question for all you SOG'rs out there. I have taken my clones about A week ago and they are showing sign's of root's, and I have added A small amount of nut's to them! Now how long should I wait untill they go into my flowering tray's? I was told from fresh cutting A total of 2 weeks, is...
  17. N

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    I am running ionic! I was told that it is A great nutrient just that my lighting needs to be upgraded! Has anyone ever went from 2-400's to 2-600's and seen a diffrence? I am looking at the lumatex ballast but just dont want to spend the money if it is not gonna help with the flower size!!!
  18. N

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    should I change over to A diffrent nutrent? What do you recommend?
  19. N

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    Orzz thank you for ur response! I was thinking about doing the dual 600 lumatek ballast! Are you happy with the output of your 600's?
  20. N

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    Hello everyone! I am new to the site and just got my 4'x8' tray running sog style! I am having problems getting nice full cola's... I am running 2 400w HPS spaced evenly accross the tray and running ionic nutr's! Is my lighting enough? should I go to 600 watt'rs? If anyone has some advise on...