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  1. xKushDragonx

    Seedling Stuck!

    Nice glad I could help :blsmoke:
  2. xKushDragonx

    Seedling Stuck!

    I was just in a similar situation and this set up got it to grow, currently in veg
  3. xKushDragonx

    Seedling Stuck!

    Light should be 36-40 inch away 2 shots glasses of water a day 18/6 light cycle And some air circulation
  4. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    Ya it was starting to fall over when I watered it so I tied that around so it would stay up so far it's been working just fine
  5. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    Update So far all the ones in the happy frog soil are getting big, the Cp in the ocean forest are smaller, my tent is starting to smell like cotton candy? Is that normal? I water them 2 shots of water a day and 1 shot for the little pots
  6. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    Nice thanks for the input
  7. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    Update here's some pics of my grow any advice will help, do they look healthy? Or messed up?
  8. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    It's to early to tell I think there all looking the same rn maybe I'll ditch 2 only time will tell
  9. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    Nice how old are they?
  10. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    What size tent is that, looks good I can see how 4 might be to much fit my small tent
  11. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    It's going to be a big learning experience for me
  12. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    I only did 4 cause I thought 2 Cp died but I brought them back to life with the sandwich bag method and now they get a chance to grow
  13. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    No nutes yet just water rn
  14. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    Not sure how far down it's just at the full length rn, I have a ph meter but I think I messed it up trying to calibrate it when I put it in normal water it's zero or it's a random member then slowly drops back to zero
  15. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    I'm using a 2x2x4
  16. xKushDragonx

    New guy posting my progress

    Currently on my first grow I'll be posting updates here weekly, I will be asking alot of questions and looking for alot of answers, right now my plants are still in the seedling stage currently I'm running 3 critical purple and 1 ak47 the 3 Cp are slow but the ak47 is growing strong, any advice...
  17. xKushDragonx


    Usaly there green I never seen yellow I use the paper towel inside a sandwich bag method every time 100% success rate. Maybe to much water? Looks kinda drenched