HLG600 is perfect for a 5x5. Keep in mind the canopy size needed to be covered by light is 5x5, the plants imprint will be significantly smaller. 1-3 gallon pots in 3 rows of 3 or 4 rows of 4. Keep the light at 24-30 inches. If your fertilizer regimen is down along with climate conditions, and...
My 550V2 is made by HLG. I believe they use the “A” type on their builds and the “B” on DIY, the HLG 600 and the 360 Elite come with the Inventronics drivers for whatever reason. Either way I had no intent on dimming them through the controller. You will need the LMA-14 and that is the correct...
I’ve been running Samsung QBs for the last year or so and switched ALL my lights over. Clone/mother tent has two Qb132@130watts, my vegg room is a 4x4 with a HLG300@240 watts and in my flower room which is a 9x5 tent with two 550V2 and two HLG UVA/B light strips for the last couple weeks of...
You would save a little scratch on power if you considered running 315CMH’s or even DE 600 HPS. Much better light penetration at the canopy level also, not to mention less heat. I’ve been using the Can Lite filters the last few years and they are great. Those big carbon filters that weigh 100#...
Those Qb600s will run a lot cooler than two DE 600 HPS. I run two 550s over a 9x5 w/Co2 and it is more than sufficient. I’d run that third one in a separate tent or room. For over a decade I swore by my Ushio 600 HPS. Great end product with out the heating issues of a 1000 HPS. With these...
I reached out to Trolmaster yesterday and they were super helpful. Higher Authority you are correct with that the A type( internal built in dimmer) you cannot use the LMA14 as it is for dimming through the controller (Only works with B type driver) I purchased a DSP-1 which I will plug into the...