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  1. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    hey peeps after yesterdays dissapointment i need to put some bounce back into the gro:eyesmoke: The Blueberry is an amazing plant the node spacing is tight as a tigers ass!! and i have some sweeeet spears coming on!! jack is doing good also but a bit sparse but has some nice flowers on the...
  2. redbelly

    Is This a Hermie??

    Safe..Niceone lads!!! its gone now
  3. redbelly

    Is This a Hermie??

    Thanks for the quick reply man!!:peace: she has pistles on the tops but...these little pre flowers looked a bit dodgy cheers down on wax!! gotta go kill me a ladyboy!!!
  4. redbelly

    Is This a Hermie??

    Guys i think i have a problem...i may have a hermie,,i think:cry: not sure if they are female pre flowers that have not opened yet or if they are male pre flowers(there is not a bunch of them like i have seen in many pics) tell me what you think asap as i dont want to mess the others up as i...
  5. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Guys i think i have a problem...i may have a hermie,,i think:cry: not sure if they are female pre flowers that have not opened yet or if they are male pre flowers(there is not a bunch of them like i have seen in many pics) tell me what you think asap as i dont want to mess the others up as i...
  6. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Thanks Droxster!!(i missed you reply mate...Soz),im just using the coco range and am pretty impressed with it so far....i might try monkey juice when i run out tho
  7. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Thats Cool bruv No worries:peace: Cheers for props The PP's are Looking a bit better now....but one is still quite stumpy(still has not shown sex yet tho) But the taller one has now shown the pistills :)
  8. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Yo doods! hope you are all well:peace: Update time,they are all going ok i guess, a bit annoyed with the PP's they seem to be taking ages to gain any height,and they are so short compaired to Jack and BB. They have got a bit taller but they are very ununiform, The jack and the BB are around...
  9. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    its at this point where i start to worry after lovingly crafting my plants into bushes...that they turn out male(god forbid) I am confident they are good tho the only risky one is the jack as it was not a fem seed(i know fems do go wrong,but am keeping positive,playing them reggae and...
  10. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Hi, Well we all have great taste then hunny!:lol: I was lucky to get a few toke's of my mates last J of bb...It was lush!!! Is that a pic of you in your avatar??? if so you are very beautiful and i would deffo share some of my buds with you;-) Peace and love
  11. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Easy bigrintxas,Thanks for the positive comments man!! they are going for it now!! I vegged my plants on a 400w MH(found it really good keeps the plants short but wide!) they did not streach a millimeter!!! been flowering for 2 days now and there are starting to rise up!!! i hope they will get...
  12. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Hey brother,thats good to here that you think i got it all in hand...Cheers blud and thanks for the confidence boost mate;-) was just a bit lonely in here man...i know its not a uber phat gro like many on the pages but its still tha erb!! But its great to know you guys have got my back:peace:
  13. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    hmmmm,not much love on these pages:cry: well all still cool with them and they have made good progress. Vegging is now finished and now are in bloom Swapped the MH for here we grow:twisted:
  14. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Thanks BTF :smile: Peace.
  15. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    right some more..... all doing well really hope the bb is a girl
  16. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Yo blud! im using canna nutes full range for coco
  17. redbelly

    What kind of name is Fingerling? (pics)

    Nice!! there looking cool mate!:leaf:
  18. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Hi. Still going well,fimming and topping working out good so far..:-P
  19. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Cheers vegas,im growing in coco...its beautiful stuff,i love it!
  20. redbelly

    Reds Grow

    Hello This is my first one,but doing ok i hope:blsmoke: Am Growing DP Blueberry,Power plant and a random jack herra. gonna be starting with the pics from day 20,as wanted to get all the faffing about with germing and repotting sorted first so here they are at day 20 a few days after...