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  1. H

    Is this a male?

    Thank you! I’m just concerned because I have 3 others that were planted at the same time and they are all confirmed females. So I was concerned since this one wasn’t showing hairs and looked more like a seed! But I’ll be patient and keep checking!
  2. H

    Is this a male?

    Can someone please take a look at this and tell me if this is a male growing? I have 3 confirmed females and just wanna know so I can get it out of my grow tent!
  3. H

    Need Help!’

    they are doing so much better! My little one I was concerned about didn’t make it. But the other ladies are doing great since moving them to the solo cups. I might have to water them every 2-3 days with the random water spritz in between. I’ll post some pictures here in a little bit
  4. H

    Need Help!’

    I think I’m going to try those for my next grow! So far transferring to the cups has been a lot better. Last night was the first night I actually slept good and not worried about my girls drying out lol
  5. H

    Need Help!’

    So you let them just sit in water the whole time? Do you water the soil too? I was watering them every 4-6 hours in those and they would dry up so fast.
  6. H

    Need Help!’

    Thank you! Yes I’m taking lots of notes too lol
  7. H

    Need Help!’

    Are there any good books or go to websites you used to learn more about growing or was it just over time learning what works
  8. H

    Need Help!’

    Thank you for the help. As a first time grower I’m definitely stressing about them. They are precious babies lol
  9. H

    Need Help!’

    One more question about the lights. I’ve read they should be ran 24/7 and then I’ve seen 18/6 or 16/8. Right now I’m at 18/6. Should I run 24/7 since it’s been lowered? Or stay 18/6
  10. H

    HELP!! First time grower

    Thank you! It just seems they always would dry up so quickly. I did replant them so they wouldn’t dry so quickly. I do think my smaller one may be to far gone. I think I freaked out about overwatering but it was actually drying out
  11. H

    Need Help!’

    Ok I did dim it down to 75% I do have a 50% option. it was on full strength and I did move them to plastic cups where I did poke drainage holes and so far everything looks to remain moist. My little one doesn’t seem to be making any changes. It could definitely be to far gone. But my other 5...
  12. H

    Need Help!’

    It’s it’s a 600w hps light. It does give me options to lower the strength of the light. I’m going to transplant into a different container because I want to get the watering on track.
  13. H

    Need Help!’

    I haven’t given any nutrients and I keep the ph level of the water between 6-7
  14. H

    Need Help!’

    They are about 2 ft from the light. Should I lower the light strength? Or maybe lessen the light times? Ok so I need to change containers too? These are meant to be able to put directly in to soil when ready. So should I go ahead and transplant them so they will stay wetter longer?
  15. H

    Need Help!’

    No not coco, it’s jiffy starting soil mix.
  16. H

    Need Help!’

    I was just spraying it every 4-6 hours at first. But I just recently switched to Drenching first thing in the morning and then spraying through the day when the tops look dry. Unless that’s too much? The one next to it was dropping and when I changed the watering it peeked back up. I’m just...
  17. H

    Need Help!’

    Nothing looks pinched! And I watered all of them the same way too! And see that’s how the soil looks after about 4-6 hours regardless of how I water. And there’s great drainage too. Before that picture I had just watered them 4 hours prior.
  18. H

    Need Help!’

    The little one on the bottom left! Does it look like it’s dying? I thought I might of been overwatering so I’ve scaled back and it’s the only one that looks like it’s dying. The leaves are very green. They were planted in Jiffy pots with Jiffy soil a little over a week ago. They go under 18/6...
  19. H

    HELP!! First time grower

    Can I get some feed back on these please! They are in jiffy pots with the jiffy soil. I have them in a grow tent. They are under 18/6 light. I try to water when they seem dry. I also will do a light mist. Temp stays around 74-76 with about 44% humidity during light time and about 65-68 during...