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    High Quality Dutch Passion Seedlings Taking Turn for the Worse

    Well (3) officially kicked the bucket =( The other three... I have hope and I have my doubts. They are not falling over like the rest, but they are not growing at all. I think this is a multi-tiered problem, and I'm looking at the soil as the culprit here; I think I mixed too much peat moss...
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    High Quality Dutch Passion Seedlings Taking Turn for the Worse

    I moved the light back to a closer proximity and the soil is drying out a bit. After doing some more research, I'm fairly confident that the poor ones became susceptible to a condition called damping-off and it is caused by a fungus due to overwatering. Prevention notes: Don't over-water Good...
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    High Quality Dutch Passion Seedlings Taking Turn for the Worse

    I'm sure I'm loving them to death... I just want to get a consensus on if they will come back to life! I read to keep an HPS light 2' away from seedlings, so I figured 10" for seedlings was pretty darn close... am I wrong? I have since moved the light to 2.5' away. Would I be better off...
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    High Quality Dutch Passion Seedlings Taking Turn for the Worse

    First time grower; growing organically. Soil Mix: 1 Part Organic Mushroom Compost 1 Part Organic Soil 1 Part Peat 3 Parts Peat Moss Sphagnum 1 Part Perlite Organic Tea: RO Water with Minerals Added Worm Poop Bat Guano SPT & BHO Molasses I bubbled the tea for a few days, and then added it to...
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    Dutch Passion Seedlings Taking a Turn for the Worse

    First time grower; growing organically. Soil Mix: 1 Part Organic Mushroom Compost 1 Part Organic Soil 1 Part Peat 3 Parts Peat Moss Sphagnum 1 Part Perlite Organic Tea: RO Water with Minerals Added Worm Poop Bat Guano SPT & BHO Molasses I bubbled the tea for a few days, and...
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    Uses of Super Plant Tonic

    Hmm... I purchased some SPT about 4 months back and unfortunately the pressure in the bottle was so great that it exploded and leaked the day I received it. I immediately threw the contents in a plastic zip-lock bag and have not opened nor touched it since. I am curious if the SPT is still good...
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    First Time Grow - Organic, Underground and Need Clarifications on Grow Room Setup

    Greetings all; I will be starting my first grow soon. I did post this in the wrong forum earlier and instead of bumping that I'll post it where it should go :-P I have a few pertinent questions regarding some choices in equipment for the grow. I will be growing these plants in an underground...
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    First Grow - 10 Plants; Underground | Few Questions

    Yeah... it's sure an interesting room. When we purchased the house many years back it was quite... disgusting... moldy and such... looked like it was used as a cellar. I cleaned it all up a few months back (scrubbed walls with TSP and painted them over). It looks nice now... like it was meant...
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    First Grow - 10 Plants; Underground | Few Questions

    Greetings all; I will be starting my first grow soon. I have a few pertinent questions regarding some choices in equipment for the grow. I will be growing these plants in an underground circular room with a diameter of 7ft. The room houses a 10 gallon sump pump, so most of the space is quite...