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  1. B

    DC Seed Exchange

    Pretty sure cash app wasn't even an option when I checked out in February....I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that was the case. I’m Not trying to convince people not to use them, A poet should know better when it comes to assumptions ;0) I'm merely voicing my experience and it wasn't...
  2. B

    DC Seed Exchange

    Dude this is literally making me sick. I'm at no fault here; I , the customer, checked out with one of the services they provided.... I’ve even gone as far as copy correspondence/ timelines verbatim... and the fact that someone is coming around trying to get me to double pay for something...
  3. B

    DC Seed Exchange

    Listen, I’m well aware 1st time posters are often met with some skepticism, especially when it comes to critiques or bad service amongst past notable vendors- I see it from time to time, but I also see some of those same companies or owners crash and burn and start to do nefarious shit- either...
  4. B

    DC Seed Exchange

    Third party e check or not- the timelines from my situation in combination with the fact that someone either Paul or otherwise assuming the dc name/email, is trying to to double charge folks is disconcerting to say the least ,and mind boggling to me personally that others don’t appear to be...
  5. B

    DC Seed Exchange

    Long time reader of the forums, 1st time grower/poster. Unfortunately I have to report that something shady appears to be going on with either Paul or dc seed exchange and wanted to warn others about this experience. After much research on reputable banks etc I ordered from DC Seed Exchange on...