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  1. K

    Organic Nutes and "YOUR" medium

    Na im not in a rush at all, just have a pretty confined space. But I was actually planning on letting them get comfy for a week. So ya, im just keepin em small, and my clone source is gonna be supplying in more of a perpetual fashion so im sure you all catch my drift :) And thnx for all the...
  2. K

    Organic Nutes and "YOUR" medium

    Good to know, thnx for clearing that up bud :) Definitely gonna have to pay attention to this thread lolz!!!
  3. K

    Organic Nutes and "YOUR" medium

    Im being supplied with clones that are about 6 inches tall that im putting straight into flower, is that ok?
  4. K

    Uncle Bens topping technique gone wrong?

    errrmmmm, correct me if im wrong here, but that appears to be doing what its supposed to do. maybe im too bloody high or sumthing..........?????
  5. K

    Organic Nutes and "YOUR" medium

    Nice topic bud! Ill get on the band wagon in a couple/few months, just now getting ready to start my 1st organic grow. All others were done with miracle grow haha. Luckily i have a pretty viable source *ie friend* that knows his organics well. Ill post up the ratios of it all when he...
  6. K

    why won't my clones root?

    Rite now Snow White. But ive used that method on many, even bagseed and they all do just fine. My thing is that im a huuuuge lover to my babies, be it seedlings, clones or whatever. And sumtimes if im not careful i luv em a lil to much hehe. So what im gettin at here is that ive used bubbler...
  7. K

    why won't my clones root?

    im a fan of just ploppin my cuttings in a lil cub (not clear of course) and lettin em do there thing. I dont ph, i dont add any hormones, just a dab of peroxide in the water. Lets say i take 6 cuttings, in about 2 weeks they'll all be rooted, they all root at different times tho. Usually i...
  8. K


    It sure is, ive gotten clones to root as far as 1.5 months into it. Heres the thing, pretty darn low success rate as the clone is not only trying to push lil legs out its ass, but its now receiving a different light schedule which will make it try and go back into vegetative phase which it will...
  9. K

    Aqua Globe Experiment!

    Rite on man, ive been wonderin bout these myself, ill definitely be followin this!
  10. K

    help fast! too much heat? 400w hps light

    hmmm....i dunno what sized space ur in or what kinda ventilation ya got, but im able to keep my 400 watter a ft away from mine with no probs at all. And i just got a darn fan blowin over the tops of em.........hmmmm but ya sounds like to needa continue to raise it a bit. But further explain...
  11. K

    Need ....closure .

    Lord ppl, he said he heard it helps the stem be stronger hehe.
  12. K

    Need ....closure .

    Hmmmm, those r pretty tiny if ya ask me. Make sure ur lites r good and close to em. Im talkin within a few inches. The soil also appears to be pretty drenched. I dunno how much waterin uve done before that watering, but dont overwater lil sprouts cause they are easily stuntable at that...
  13. K

    white trichs and amber pistils; I think my lowryder is ready - PICS!

    Its all good man, id let em cook another week as well. FYI u can get quite a bit more bud then that even wit 2 cfls. Just keep them babies nice and CLOSE to ur plant. But hey, each grow is a learning process, even for the most experienced grower. At least u got smoke!
  14. K

    Lighting ??????

    Check this place out HERE. Good prices there, good products, i got my lite from them.
  15. K

    Lighting ??????

    Cfls need to be good and close ur the canopy. Close meaning within a few inches if possible. This keeps ur plant from trying to stretch and reach the cfl if its to far, and it doesnt take alot for a cfl to be to far. So plop a couple cfls on 2 plants and u can get a pretty good length into...
  16. K

    Lighting ??????

    They sure will, dunno how many plants ur talkin, I would only go max 2 plants under em. Just a nice lil cozy grow :)
  17. K

    Help [seed]

    Put it bout 1/4 in deep. Seeds will grow no matter which way u put em in, just sum ways r quicker. I put mine in with the end the tap root pops out of (which is the end opposite of the end wit the lil hollow bump thingy) facing upwards. The tap root grows out and then wraps around facing...
  18. K

    Miracle Grow for soil

    Hehe no worries, MG is definitely a very dissable thang if ya let it be. But if u r new to growing, ultimately do ur own experimenting bud. U can read all u want and get ur foundation, but have some fun, ull be amazed at wat u can teach urself. Ive already stated some ph lvls that ive had...
  19. K

    Miracle Grow for soil

    EXXXXXXACTLY!!!! Amen Brother!! hehe
  20. K

    Miracle Grow for soil

    Oh my, more MG dissers hehe. If ur gonna use MG, make sure u r on top of ur PH at all times. Ive always used MG and when i found its preferred ph, all harvests since then have been crazy potent. When u first plant, ph ur water to 7.4 for a few days, then gradually step down. So go to 7.3 for...