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  1. G

    Help! New to hps - distance/heat concerns

    How do check the draw from the wall it uses to get an accurate wattage reading?
  2. G

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    50 years old and I’m a newbie. Guess you might say a late bloomer. Smoked some im the late 80’s and early 9’s. I always wanted to grow it so I just decided I would. I was given some seeds, have no idea what they are. I figured free was good to start with! My plants are about 18 inches tall and...
  3. G

    Help! First grow.

    Yes it has 6 good size drainage holes, 3 gallon pot. The top two inches for sure of the soil is dry. I’ve been up in the air about to wet or too dry but I always let them dry out before watering again so I kind of have a hard time going with too wet but anything is possible. Since I messed up...
  4. G

    Help me please

    ok so I’ve thought about the advice y’all have given me and I thought that the GH was ok for soil before I bought it. So I go back and look and it says you can use in soil but to flush after every 3 nutrient feedings. I haven’t flushed at all. I’ve got to do that. So is this common for all...
  5. G

    Help me please

    All great replies. I’ll stop GH nutrients and do a good flush. My soil is half Fox Farm Ocean And Happy Frog. I add extra perlite to my soil. It only got to 60 one time and that was at a much smaller stage, just a glitch that happened. All other plants have been fed, watered and everything the...
  6. G

    Help me please

    Help! What does anyone think is wrong with my plant? Was doing fine in solo cup with drainage. It’s about 4 weeks old from sprout and looked good. Roots were not bound and had very nice white color. Leaves were healthy I knew I had to get it in a larger container. Within 2 days I had this claw...
  7. G

    Help! First grow.

    Help! What does anyone think is wrong with my plant? Was doing fine in solo cup with drainage. It’s about 4 weeks old from sprout and looked good. Roots were not bound and had very nice white color. Leaves were healthy I knew I had to get it in a larger container. Within 2 days I had this claw...