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    Cannot figure out the issue! Help?

    Literally said wanna ask a guy what he feeds or find out what the problem is or ask this guy how he feeds his plants and calling me a tool lol imagine being this immature and rude I'm sorry your so offended bud but your one of the douchey growers that makes people cringe and you'll never be any...
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    Cannot figure out the issue! Help?

    There is no drama your an arrogant grower who cuts off other people before they finish a conversation because hes mad they didn't read his shitty signature lol he asked for answers you gave him a book lol then cried because he was talking to me and and not reading yours but whatever you say dude...
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    Cannot figure out the issue! Help?

    Right here your being condescending and rude subletting me on accident when I was right he is having problems with another bullshit "ph balancing soil from ff" you will always have to maintain your ph yourself and I've ran into that with many fox farms brand materials you like is this not a...
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    Cannot figure out the issue! Help?

    Lol do you have a problem with my advice lol or are you just an asshole of course the guy wants help and I'd I could find a picture it looks exactly like my first and last ff trio grow it was purely my experience with ff soil. you dont have to get self conscious he replied to someone being nice...
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    Cannot figure out the issue! Help?

    Did you start adding nutes immediately I find that you want to let your plants grow into their soil and use up the nutes in there before I add nutrients I would feed half what you have been feeding or simply take a week or two off nutes
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    Cannot figure out the issue! Help?

    Are you adding any nutes in feeding I have never used happy frog but I was using fox farms soil and their liquid nutrients trio at full strength and it was way too much I had to cut to half strength
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    Cannot figure out the issue! Help?

    But I'm a noob wait on someone more experienced just my 2cents
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    Cannot figure out the issue! Help?

    Looks like the nute burn I got from my first grow with fox farms
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    2 mimosa clones in one 7 gallon planter? help!

    Thanks bud happy growing
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    multiple plants in one pot, i need some advice

    Hey so if I c Hey so if I have two clones going in a 7 gallon pot can I just cut one all the way down to the soil clone it and let the other take over?
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    2 mimosa clones in one 7 gallon planter? help!

    Hey guys I'm pretty early in veg so I was just wondering what you guys think should I contenue to let them grow or should I cut one and let the other take over and give it it's full potential in the pot or will the root system of the cut plant cause issues please help lol
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    Humidity and temperature control

    Hey guys any recommendations on a nice controler for temperature and humidity that I can simply plug my dehumidifier and my temperature control into or is that not a thing yet. My room fluctuates in temp and humidity and I'm tired of plugging and un plugging components
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    New to indoor need cheap humidity solutions

    Yeah I didn't enjoy the idea of spraying such little guys yet and I basically cleared my tent of spider mites or at least devastated the population
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    New to indoor need cheap humidity solutions

    Hey guys I'm new to indoor and I'm having trouble with humidity I'm in California so its around 50 percent outside but I am getting 70 to 80 percent in my tent even with all my lower flaps open I'm also out of work from the covid 19 deal so please any ideas will help
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    Completely botched transplant lol

    Yeah I'm usually much neater I believe it's just a little spill of nutrients but I'll keep my eye out... my cast has been making me work like a pig
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    Completely botched transplant lol

    Got you below take a look let me know what you think
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    Completely botched transplant lol

    Other than over crowding I plan on removing whatever grows the least probably 3 4 max I'm guessing my first hydro and the botched transplant and I'll keep the rest
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    Completely botched transplant lol

    And please if anyone has suggestions on my setup let me know I'm a fairly new and adventurous grower so I do run into problems(like planting two clones and one pot or having way to high of a ppm on my hydroponic system)
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    Completely botched transplant lol

    It's been 4 hours and not much sign of stress but man when I say botched I mean it sounded terrible I wanted to cry