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  1. Yendor the Blazed

    Top 44 Skunk Grow, Bubbelponics to DWC

    Looking great Major Tom!!
  2. Yendor the Blazed

    8 weeks and ready to be chopped

    Looks DANK!! How many? How tall?
  3. Yendor the Blazed

    how much yield do you recon

    Do you have any pics? It's almost impossible to tell without seeing it first. 6-7 pounds is a little unrealistic though.
  4. Yendor the Blazed

    The Best Movie To Watch While Getting High?

    How about American PIE, Eurotrip and National Lampoons Van Wilder There really are so many more but im too busy rolling to type anymore.
  5. Yendor the Blazed

    The walls are lined with mylar film. I got it from here I have 6 CFL's...

    The walls are lined with mylar film. I got it from here I have 6 CFL's in my room, but am only using 4 at the moment because of heat issues.
  6. Yendor the Blazed

    pics---male or female???

    looks AWSOME! How tall is that lovely lady?
  7. Yendor the Blazed

    How long does SH take to ship.

    I ordered my stuff on 1/6/09 and havent recieved it yet the SH website says it shipped on thurs and its due to be here on mon 1/19/09