So I have not disposed of this nice plant yet even though its preflowers seemingly indicate a male. Why is it growing more like a female? (Wide and bushy.) Bag seed
Thanks for the help. About 75w of true LED’s are shining on the plant, just to get the extra spectrums in. So I raised the HPS to about 24” to lower heat. It lowered 3 degrees to 81. 2 humidifiers are now on, and the rh is at 55.
Good advice. I raised the lights to about 24” from 14-16ish. Yes, I butchered the bottom of the bag. Good idea to get this plant stretching in the dark—I have been persistently topping and fimming it to increase its bushiness before it grows taller. Hopefully it works. I am going to push this...
Transplanted from a 3 gal pot to about an 18 gallon shopping bag, which I’m sure I will receive plenty of criticism for, since it was already over potted in its original container. (Want to grow a massive plant for as long as possible.)
Notice how even though there’s more leaves in the first...