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  1. S

    what would you do ?

    hey whats up guys I had an overfert with these girls they have 4 weeks of veg. they are still small . Now that the leaves have stopped burning. Do you think i should discard them and start from scratch? or should I keep trying? Water Ph 6.0 solo Ph 6.3 Remo ferts (first irrigation with 7...
  2. S

    Doubts about the use of remo

    Thanks for the link, very good ! I am watching and I will do as you said, better give them food when they ask! 2 days after the flush I noticed an improvement, the growth is in full swing! Any news I'll post here, man thanks for the tips
  3. S

    Doubts about the use of remo

    I used distilled water at the beginning, but I have a filter at home and the water comes out with 0076 ppm. I am using an acid that is used in aquariums to lower the pH, I believe it does not influence because the amount used is very small. I think I fertilized it very early, I'll just water...
  4. S

    Doubts about the use of remo

    Thanks for the answer man, The specifications of the soil according to the manufacturer are PH 5.8 and Ec 0.3 I think the rigth name for "turfa" is "canadian peat" I always water carefully not to burn the leaves, but three days after that post I noticed that the burns started to appear on the...
  5. S

    Doubts about the use of remo

    today tangie and purple kush dawned like that.
  6. S

    Doubts about the use of remo

    hello guys, I started using based on what is on the website, which says "it should start as soon as the first pair of serrated leafs appear" then on the seventh day of life after germinating, I gave the first watering with ferts , put the indicated in the table but gave an ec of 1.2 , I...