Search results

  1. CannaCodeGirl

    Testing question for growers:

    Would you rather: use a portable unit to test just the % of THC and CBD on site (without damaging) the flower, (handheld, affordable, but only tests for thc/cbd %) use a standard industrial testing unit in your base of operations that will give you full COA data, (large units, about 2-3x the...
  2. CannaCodeGirl

    New to edibles. Questions.

    Most edibles are dosed at 10mg, so a 25 is very high for a newbie. Make sure to check with your budtenders for proper dosing, but it's all just trial and error anyway. One of the big problems with legalization is having stronger and stronger products with little customer education. You did great...
  3. CannaCodeGirl

    Texas Hemp Convention

    Anyone else going this week?
  4. CannaCodeGirl

    Emerging Tech

    I can't believe the people that passed it up when it was pennies, or that lost or gave away their mining drives. The second I saw that ETH had tech applications and could be used in regular app payment processing I bought that day. It was at $8. It's a no-brainer. No one was laughing when I...
  5. CannaCodeGirl

    Emerging Tech

    Apparently you can! I found a couple companies this morning that turn recycled plastics into filament. I sent it over to our 3D CEO to see what we could do with them. Apparently the first print with them is pretty solid, like any other print but the more you recycle the material and print them...
  6. CannaCodeGirl

    Home made bong anyone?

    :o:o:o:o:o:clap: that may be the single most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
  7. CannaCodeGirl

    Emerging Tech

    Is anyone else a tech nerd? I live and breathe tech! I research it, I get to play with it every day (that's what she said), I get to engineer it. I love it. I found a great company today that makes joint tubes out of recycled ocean plastic! I'm trying to push our 3D printing department to get...
  8. CannaCodeGirl

    How tf do you decide strains?

    You definitely can if you got the answers you were looking for, but you just posted the below so I figured you didn't, and the site that I linked will help you answer all of that. This site uses actual testing data to show the *actual* thc, cbd, and terpene content to each strain from each...
  9. CannaCodeGirl


    fuck yeah man! #fllmtlbtch #1471 Anyone else?
  10. CannaCodeGirl

    How tf do you decide strains?

    Cool, so check out the site I mentioned and that's how you research strains and their popularity and chemical makeup.....
  11. CannaCodeGirl

    Home made bong anyone?

    We've 3D printed some really nice ones!! I love seeing how creative people are with them.
  12. CannaCodeGirl

    just dogs

    this is my new favorite thread
  13. CannaCodeGirl

    How tf do you decide strains?

    Research! Check out Confident Cannabis! Their website is insanely intuitive and shows you the chemical makeup and availability of the strains. The more data we harness, the better for all of us. Good luck!
  14. CannaCodeGirl

    Cannabis stocks

    I think you would be best looking into supporting companies that support the industry. Miracle grow, ag advancements, medical companies that supply to both medical and cannabis industry, etc. These are where the longstanding branding help your investment, and the volatility that comes with the...
  15. CannaCodeGirl

    Parents in the cannabis world

    My son is 11. We lived in Colorado for most of his life so he's familiar with it and with me using it for medicine. I have a couple disabling degenerative conditions that make our lives very difficult, but he knows that the medicine I take is natural and helps me. When we moved to Dallas it was...
  16. CannaCodeGirl

    Dealing with PTSD

    There are good phone apps for anxiety distraction that take you through all different kinds of breathing and relaxing exercises. They're very worth trying! Full-spectrum tincture also does wonders, and having excercise hobbies helps a ton too (try joining meetups and go on outings a couple times...
  17. CannaCodeGirl

    when will smoking feel good again?

    I would second this. Low magnesium causes all kinds of problems with smoking. Medications that cause low blood pressure, or any histamine responses can also interact. Have you tried edibles and tinctures as well ? When I started having bad smoke sesh after bad smoke sesh I gave smoking a break...
  18. CannaCodeGirl

    Hiyah friends!

    This side definitely feels greener :weed: Call me CannaCode, I'm a solutions engineer that loves combining tech and weed, and am fortunate enough to get to live them every day! I'm here to listen and participate. I want to know what issues you have and how I can help solve them. I've always...