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  1. Grow-with-the-flow

    Does this look like Potassium deficiency?

    Thanks for all the help. For today's feed I upped the nutrients like you said. I gave 40 ml of each to 5 gallons. I also didn't do a half feed. I fed it as you advised. I hope this helps. On me quick question though. You mentioned Cal/Mag should I be feeding that as well since hp has no...
  2. Grow-with-the-flow

    Does this look like Potassium deficiency?

    Man thanks a ton for the help. I really appreciate it. I am a complete rookie and I am realizing it more and more. Some of what you said makes me feeling like I am in grade 12 physics again hahaha. I really do appreciate it though. I look forward to learning to grow quality bud and have the...
  3. Grow-with-the-flow

    Does this look like Potassium deficiency?

    Awesome. Thanks for the help. I have been following the AN calculating system which was saying only 10 ml of each for 5 gallon. I will also test my cistern water. Thanks a ton for the help. Hopefully that solves my issues. Again, Thanks a ton for the help. I want to correct the issues before I...
  4. Grow-with-the-flow

    Does this look like Potassium deficiency?

    Thanks a ton for the reply. I am using 10 ml of each to 5 gallons of water. I am using tap water that comes from our cistern. Typically it's rain/snow water in there. I am using Promix HP as well. Also, I have them in 10 gallons fabric pots. Giving them about 2 litres each per feed.
  5. Grow-with-the-flow

    Does this look like Potassium deficiency?

    Thanks. I appreciate it.
  6. Grow-with-the-flow

    Does this look like Potassium deficiency?

    I haven't given it anything extra yet. Still just giving the usual nutes. Advanced nutrients PH perfect is supposed to be good for that, I thought at least. I am wondering if it's due to the temp being cooler. I read that cool temps can cause issues with phosphorus being absorbed. Could this be...
  7. Grow-with-the-flow

    Does this look like Potassium deficiency?

    I have been having some issues. I am using Adcanced Nutrients ph perfect Micro, Grow and Bloom. I am thinking it is Potassium deficiency from what I have gathered. How ever. I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground about growing as this is only my second grow lol. So any help is appreciated.
  8. Grow-with-the-flow

    Treating my plants for mites.

    Yea man. It's a pain to get it here. I am hoping it arrives soon. I have dropped the temps in there to try and help as well the fan is near the base.
  9. Grow-with-the-flow

    Treating my plants for mites.

    I have a slight problem with mites. It hasn't got to bad yet. I am waiting on Neem Oil to arrive from ordering online. I have some Greenarth Insecticidal soap concentrate. I am thinking of using it till I get the neem oil and can use it. The plants are still vegging, however I run them under 24...
  10. Grow-with-the-flow

    Not sure what these are?

    Nice. I did recently water as well. Good to know it's not harmful to the plant.
  11. Grow-with-the-flow

    Not sure what these are?

    I researched the Rove Beetle. I did find what I thought I saw. Good call, thanks for all the help.
  12. Grow-with-the-flow

    Not sure what these are?

    Awesome. Thanks a lot. I am going to look into this. I am growing a 4x4 tent so that should work.
  13. Grow-with-the-flow

    Not sure what these are?

    Yea, those little mites aren't the same as the other bug I noticed. Any ideas as to the best method to get rid of these? I have read about Neem oil. Any specific mixtures would be much appreciated.
  14. Grow-with-the-flow

    Not sure what these are?

    Ok, so I got a closer look at the eggs as well I noticed some tiney things I assume are Mites.
  15. Grow-with-the-flow

    Not sure what these are?

    They do look round to the eye. I may have touched it. I will try and get a better one. There is 3 or 4 on the stem.
  16. Grow-with-the-flow

    Not sure what these are?

    Sorry. I am baked and forgot to add the photo lol.
  17. Grow-with-the-flow

    Not sure what these are?

    I have these white eggs like things on my stem. Any idea what they could be? I noticed something small like moving done the stem. Then I couldn't find it again. Looked like a scorpion shape but the tail was flat down?
  18. Grow-with-the-flow

    Messed up my first grow.

    Awesome, thanks. That's perfect. I can run a 14/2 and add a new box for it.
  19. Grow-with-the-flow

    Messed up my first grow.

    Hi there. I am new here, as well new to growing. I have been following lots of threads and learning lots. I am curious as to any good timers. I due to my work schedule I am not home in time to manually run the 12/12. So I was 8 weeks into my 12/12. I noticed a banana coming from my one bud. I...