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  1. V

    Don’t know what’s going on

    Was also wondering if it could be possibly to dry in the environment ? If that could cause this ?
  2. V

    Don’t know what’s going on

    sorry guys I know no info , So I have 1000 watt rated led from amazon probably about 250 true watts or something I forget exactly.I have her in a pro mix herb and vegetable mix because it was all I could get my hands on at the time I have been feeding it water. buying a ph pen today and a few...
  3. V

    Don’t know what’s going on

    Any ideaas?
  4. V

    Dropping leaves

    Thank you so much ! Will keep updated will definitely be taking ur advice . Really appreciate it
  5. V

    Dropping leaves

    Don’t think it’s overwatering but could be wrong. Seems to be mostly in the new growth but tell me what you think, water every couple days but might not water enough only about a litre or less with a pressure sprayer. I’m guessing that’s not enough?