going to be potting up for my 2nd grow coming week and had exactly this same realization last grow and will be doing exactly this coming grow.
you litteraly took the word from under my fingers.
but yea i think this is the best solution
thanks man iv been watching these graphs and pics for weeks just needed a second opinion its my first solo grow ever and im glad i could identify the problem so quick. Ill be doing a flush in a bit and hope im still good when harvest comes.
thanks again guys
Yea man I Gave them excess water yesterday to get some runoff and the plant with most issues had an EC of 2.1 iv been wondering how did a 2.1 ec have such a negative effect and after some googling and countless repetition i finally realized ppm dose have 2 convertions ( 4/5 people wont tell you...
like 50-60cm from the plants i had a small lighting issue a while back and raised them ill raise them a bit more. How did your harvest turn out? im still so worried
Hey Roy here,
Im so scared right now! im allmost into week 7 of flowering and I Went to check on my plants and there were looking as good as i could expect from the bottom! But something told me to get the ladder and have a look from above and to me freight i saw these horrible spots and ugly...