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  1. ganjagurugod

    8x4 1200w OG Kush (1st timer)

    i dont know how to start a new thread ive been here for awhile and i am a member of planetskunk for over 5years never had a hermie..damn it i got some sweet tooth seeds and tyhey grew awsome!!! no traits of hermie on true females then like 4weeks into flowering it pollinated itself!!!! i started...
  2. ganjagurugod

    whats good??? do have any info on mixing pollen from several different males..before using it

    whats good??? do have any info on mixing pollen from several different males..before using it
  3. ganjagurugod

    Hey all

    i have a question also.. can u collect pollen from several different males and mix before pollenating a female??
  4. ganjagurugod

    need help

    well i use a easy cloner jus cut dip in rooting juice and 5days ur done..if u dont have dip n rooting hormone and put in a pellet or rockwool and put in a dome and keep humid and moist its the slow way..u should have roots in 2weeks or less remember 2 mist the clones at lease 4times a day to...
  5. ganjagurugod


    ive been a member of p.s for like of this time im chillin over the winter with..atf(yes the real deal hollyfield!)...g13.....and a g13x nycsd............nycsd,nl,afghan,sweet tooth and to personals ive breed.....its jus so freaking cold here...but my bitches will keep me toasty!!!
  6. ganjagurugod


    i also lived in cali if anyone needs some prop215 info!!!!
  7. ganjagurugod


    i didnt mean meet literally lmao ment on the site lol.....
  8. ganjagurugod


    im looking for friends in minnesota or area close.....hows new to the site.
  9. ganjagurugod

    best strain for northern hemispheres

    im looking for friends in the minnesota area