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  1. W

    Dying leaves

    Cool thanks guys.
  2. W

    Dying leaves

    Thje very smallest leaves on my plants are beginning to die. They are the first leaves that started to grow and are the furthest down on the plant, Is this normal?
  3. W

    buying Nutrients in Central Ohio

    I know this only applies to a select few of you on here but does anybody know a good place to buy nutreints in Central Ohio and what are the best to get?
  4. W

    Vegging cycle - light cycle?

    Alright thanks guys I really appreciate it, i will let u know how they turn out
  5. W

    Vegging cycle - light cycle?

    so it doesn't matter which one I go with, I have had seedlings for about two weeks now If I were to go with an 18/6 is it the right time?
  6. W

    Vegging cycle - light cycle?

    does it have to be on 18/6 light cycle during the vegging cycle, or can it be on 24/0. :wall:
  7. W

    Drooping PLant Problem, Need Help

    Ok thanks guys I thought it might be because of over watering but I have three others and they are doing just fine, I water them all at the same time. My lights are about 2 innches away from them, and it doesn't feel too hot I will have to check, They are coming up on two weeks old If you don't...
  8. W

    Drooping PLant Problem, Need Help

    I am growing four Bagseeds right now underneath two 125 cfls I have been watering them every two days and keeping light on them 24/7. If I had pictures I would show you but I don't sorry, One of my plants is starting to lean over really bad, it is a little stretched but i tied a small stick to...
  9. W

    Time line

    Yeah my plants just have four small leaves growing from the very tip of the plant, I have two 125w cfls for four plants and I have heard that its okay to leave them on a 24/0 light cycle, until they are about 8 to 12 inches tall I am going to clip the tops of them and replant them around 6 or 7...
  10. W

    Time line

    I just have a quick question I am obviously a newbie but how do you determine the vegging stage and how much light is necessary for this part of the grow?
  11. W

    General growing question?

    I am a new grower and have got some information from one of my friends. He has told me a lot of good stuff but I am just making sure I am not missing anything. I Finished germination about a week ago and have placed my little ones in some soil where they have sprouted and are probably 2 to 3...