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  1. S

    2nd TX Outdoor Grow 2014

    So, I am growing 5-6 plants for personal use in my sideyard backard. I got a little bit of land, mostly just wanted to leave a few comments and questions for you guys. If yall would be so kind to oblige. :) Q: Why is it, these seeds germinated at the same time. But one plant is like a super...
  2. S

    Help!! *big thunderstorm coming* texas/close to harvest!

    Yea, it does. Should still be some decent smoke I gather. Funny, you would not of guessed they came from Mexican dirt weed.
  3. S

    Help!! *big thunderstorm coming* texas/close to harvest!

    Well I decided to chop them. They smell wonderful, it is hailing like crazy outside right now. I suppose I made the right decision. Ill have to do a future update/smoke report after drying/curing.
  4. S

    Help!! *big thunderstorm coming* texas/close to harvest!

    Should I chop them or risk them being destroyed!!
  5. S

    Help!! *big thunderstorm coming* texas/close to harvest!

    They are 1 ft lollipopped. I grew not for high yield. Buds are dense, should be about a quarter each plant.
  6. S

    Ready for harvest/How do they look?

    It might not be the fire, but the end product after curing should be better than the original mexishwag I originally got. That is what I am starting to think. Ill have to do a smoke report. :D
  7. S

    Ready for harvest/How do they look?

    Ok, last 2 questions How much bigger will the bud get before harvest? Also, anyone have experience on potency of outdoor mexishwag sensimilla Thanks everyone for your help
  8. S

    Ready for harvest/How do they look?

    Thought it might be worth mentioning. There are a lot of white crystals/flakes that are on the top leaves. In the morning, it smells so fine, it also looks so sticky. This was grown from, mexican shwag/bagseed btw.
  9. S

    Ready for harvest/How do they look?

    So I got 2 plant's. This is my first outdoor grow. They have flowered/budded for about 1.5 months. It is gonna be October soon... Also, another factor, to think about. When suggesting if I should harvest. They were transplanted by a 2nd trusted party by my request...While I was at work, (they...
  10. S

    How are my *Outdoor Plants Doing* /First Time/Help/Tips

    Yea unforgettably, I was away for the weekend. It just so happened to be 103 the whole week I was gone. I have a friend, water as much as he could. But I lost a lot of bottom leaves....As far as nutes. She is planted "In" my compost pile. Is it true that a plant will double during flowering?
  11. S

    How are my *Outdoor Plants Doing* /First Time/Help/Tips

    I have 2 females blooming, Far as I know. They are 3-4 months. 1.5 weeks into flowering. It's about 2 ft, what could be my hypothetical yield. And what do I need to do now, besides water?
  12. S

    Female Plant? I believe these are pistols

    Also, if they are pistols, and it is female. What do I do now? What do I expect?
  13. S

    2/1.5 months old. Texas

    Any thoughts?
  14. S

    2/1.5 months old. Texas

    Bag-seed, on there 7th set of leaves :D
  15. S

    2/1.5 months old. Texas

    How do they look? Healthy length/width,color?
  16. S

    2nd Attempt at growing, Light question!! THANK YOU!!!

    So I have this plant growing on my balcony, it get's approx 6 to 7 hour of direct sunlight. Is this enough, what is the least amount of light it needs? It has started growing it's 2nd fan leaves, I had to prop it up after it fell down half a week ago. It recovered from that, it was during that...
  17. S

    Outdoor flowering

    Nice man, keep it secret, keep it safe!!