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  1. E

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    This is my first time too but i'll tell you what i've done so far. I started with good quality fresh seeds from a friend with a "greenhouse". Since then i've just tried to keep it simple. No fans, no extra lighting, just fresh distilled water and nutrients. Now that they are 12" high i have...
  2. E

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    Thanks for the advice. I actually have the bases covered, I just took them off for the picture. I havn't noticed it spreading but my leaves at the base are starting to brown on a larger scale. More nutrients? What have you guys found to be the best nutrient on the market. Anyone experimented?
  3. E

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    Is It A Good Time To Switch To 12/12 To Flower? Anybody Have A Clue On Earth About The Fungus Growing At The Base? Do I Need To Be Concerned? Also, My Leaves Are Starting To Brown At The Base (started Suddenly). What Do I Need To Change? Any And All Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated. If I...
  4. E

    The AeroGarden

    I'm doing the same thing as you but I decided to try and germinate my seeds with the herb settings and nutrients. Keep me posted on the salad greens and i'll let you know how the herb setting works out. By the way, the salad greens are really good, swear! Had them with dinner the other night.