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  1. N

    Q about germed seed

    So I have a few seeds that were germing in paper towel. I went out of town for a few days, just got back. Anyways the seed coat on a few of them fell off... do I still plant the whole thing under the soil or just the root? Reason I ask is cause I can clearly tell these are the cotyledon so I...
  2. N

    Help with seedlings

    Thanks, funny thing is we say it looks like Barney took a shit lol.
  3. N

    Help with seedlings

    Thank you guys for my first run, here’s a pic of the cured harvest. Can’t thank you guys enough for the knowledge, starting my 2nd run can’t wait for more great advise from you guys.
  4. N

    Help with seedlings

    So I’m gonna assume from your response that the curled leaves are normal. Thanks
  5. N

    Help with seedlings

    Thanks for all the help everything has been going well. Both plants look well except for some weird leaf thing going on with one of them. The sugar leaves coming out of the buds look weird, they are curled and point downward. I thought it May be heat stress but it’s occurring on the bottom as...
  6. N

    Help with seedlings

    Thank you guys for the help everything has been going well but now I am stumped on a feeding question. I found a reference on the forum for how to feed auto flowers, they state for week 4 (PreFlowers) give 1/2 veg nutes and for week 5 (first flowers) give 1/4 bloom nutes. Mine are 4 weeks old...
  7. N

    Help with seedlings

    Here’s another update.. They are about 2 weeks old now just wanted to get some feedback not sure if they are suppose to be this short at this age. Also was wondering if the roots are developed enough at this point for a full watering with run off, as I mentioned before these are auto’s and were...
  8. N

    Help with seedlings

    It’s FFOF, also like I mentioned I read it’s not a good idea to transplant Autos. That they flower so fast they can’t afford the shock in their growth without taking a hit on yield. I was told best option was to start them out in their final containers (3gal).
  9. N

    Help with seedlings

    So update you were right patience is key. While we are still here I have a question about watering. I read other posts but it seems inconsistent from post to post. So these are auto’s and I planted them in their final pots (3gallon) from the get go and I know if I fully water they will die. I...
  10. N

    Help with seedlings

    Here they are, may not be as yellow as I thought but deff not as green as that pic you posted.
  11. N

    Help with seedlings

    Thanks bro, does the color matter? Like although they are stuck together they look kind of yellow right now. I’ll try snap a pic of it when I get back home
  12. N

    Help with seedlings

    So my seeds sprouted thru the soil, shell off but leaves stuck together. The seedling looks hooked looking as well idk if this is normal... I looked at other posts and saw that people said it’s fine they will open in due time but in those pics I didn’t see their seedlings as curved as this...