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  1. B

    Help Please, calcium problem I think.

    Ok so I flushed with nutrients with a ph of 6.13 so hopefully it will clear things for me.
  2. B

    Help Please, calcium problem I think.

    She’s had a calcium supplement but is still showing signs of deficiency. What’s going on, what should I do, I’m a new grower, the other 3 plants seem to be fine. Her water PH at the runoff was 6.7. I think that’s a bit high, should I flush her with some 6.0-6.1? Any help would be greatly...
  3. B

    What do you think? Second Grow

    Just remember these are Auto’s so hopefully won’t disturb them too much.
  4. B

    What do you think? Second Grow

    Ok I was wondering about those little things, ok so get rid of the tiny ones. Ok got it. I’ll do that tonight.
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    What do you think? Second Grow

    OK, here we go, what does everyone think of my second grow. The first one didn't go so good (spider mites), but this time around. Everything seems to be on par. The only issue i have is that the one plant marked Northern Lights #2 seems to be showing signs of Calcium Deficiency (see photos)...
  6. B

    Auto Flower that didn't flower

    It was supposed to be an Auto, but it never flowered. so it's been in Veg for 11 weeks now. I guess my question is, will my autoflower buds be OK if i switch the light to 12/12 or would it hurt there growth.
  7. B

    Auto Flower that didn't flower

    I have an autoflower that didn't flower. She's big now and i'm guessing it probably isn't an autoflower. Here's my thing, i have another Autoflower in the same tent that is in it's final 3 weeks of flower. I've been growing under 18/6 light schedule. I was thinking about setting my light to...
  8. B

    Plant in need of some serious attention, just don't know what it is.

    OK, So i have this Bruce Banner photo period plant i'm trying to keep in veg. She isn't looking to good so i'm putting it out there for any ideas. I'll give you the background on this plant which has been to hell and back again. It came from a clone which was outside and was being shaded out...
  9. B

    First time grower week 2 of flower. Need help pls.

    Yes I have a loop, I don’t see any bugs. I think it’s calcium or magnesium deficiency. I’ll check it out tomorrow. Time for bed.
  10. B

    First time grower week 2 of flower. Need help pls.

    The natural Ph of my tap water is 8.0 ish it’s quite high.
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    First time grower week 2 of flower. Need help pls.

    Promix HP is soil less that’s what my nutrient sheet says
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    First time grower week 2 of flower. Need help pls.

    Oh one more thing, what should my soil Ph be at anyway? The same as the water I give it 6.1?
  13. B

    First time grower week 2 of flower. Need help pls.

    I’ll check that out, also, how many times a week do you give cal-mag? Every watering?
  14. B

    First time grower week 2 of flower. Need help pls.

    How do I check soil Ph?
  15. B

    First time grower week 2 of flower. Need help pls.

    My plant looks like it has little while dots then i think they are turning into brown spots. I think this is calcium deficiency. I’m growing in Promix HP with mycorrhizae. I’m using the MediOne nutrients. I don’t see any bugs. Am I correct or is it something else?
  16. B

    Keeping a Photo Period Plant in Veg.

    Well OK then, had no idea. I will definitely clone this one once she gets healthy again.
  17. B

    Keeping a Photo Period Plant in Veg.

    Don't you get genetic failure because it's a clone of a clone?