No just put the co2 generator in this morning. Idk stale air meaning it hadn’t been replaced with fresh air. When you run CO2 in a sealed room you’re supposed to vent the air periodically throughout the day to prevent CO2 poisoning. My question is will they bounce back after having that happened.
So My room venting fan timer didn’t kick on and I had 1500 ppm co2 in my room almost all day with no air exchange. Tops started wilting and leaves thinned. Only took 5 hours. My question is will my plants bounce back from this and how long will it take? Thanks in advance
Hi Fletch. Saw you had insight about co2 in a sealed room. Can plants bounce back from co2 poisoning? Timer failed didn’t vent my room all day. Leaves are thinning and drooping. First week of flower. Everything else environment-wise is good. Pulled the co2, vented the room after 8 hours 1500 ppm.