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    So I'm ending week two transition into flower my ppm is only 600 what to do to up it between 1000-1100 for successful Hardy bloom add more bloom food ? Please help
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    Should i supercrop during flowering

    They say you can super crop or top up to week 3 after that no
  3. B

    ATC pH Pen ... RIP?

    Just spend the 7.00 dollars for a new one just saying !
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    Fungus Gnats in living soil... please help!

    I I use Nat Knix it's crushed glass looks like kitty litter but it's white had good results ! U can get it on Amazon or eBay
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    Led light

    Cool thanks
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    Led light

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    Led light

    Maybe I shou k d have bought two of them Lol
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    Led light

    So I purchased a 300 watt LED full spectrum by viparspectra in a 4x2 room not sure what to expect on my power bill input would be cool Thanks.