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    Samsung lm301b or lm301h?

    I would prefer to not by from China to be honest, looks like hlg and niemiled are in USA so probably going to stick with them..

    Samsung lm301b or lm301h?

    Hi everyone, i've been a lurker for quite a while here and seeing more and more grower switching to LEDs! I'm in the process of upgrading my old 250watt HPS grow light to a quantum board and was originally looking at the samsung lm301b diodes but while I was researching I learned that Samsung...

    Hello from Atlanta

    Hi everyone, long time lurker here from Atlanta, i've been growing for a few years now under a 250watt HPS and using a couple T5's for a small cloning and initial veg room. I've learned a lot here about LST and also upgraded my soil to FFOF and have seen some real nice improvements in my...