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  1. B

    Blue Mystic yield question

    i have a 400w MH/HPS conversion ballast and miracle grow 8-24-16 that i'm going to use at 1/4 strength for 2 blue mystic plants in soil. anyone have any estimates on yield?
  2. B

    Does Miracle-Grow work??

    people that say MG is bad are retarded. whats bad is people using too much, not the product idiots. you need to start bashing the newbie growers and not MG. when used like people tell you to, it works wonders.
  3. B

    blue mystic yield question

    someone please help me out in what would be a good estimate of what i would yield, and if it would be better to do 1 plant under those lights or 5 plants? come on guys, 34 views and no posts. someone help me out.
  4. B

    blue mystic yield question

    i was wondering how much i would yield from 5 blue mystic plants under a 400w MH for vegetative, and then a 400w HPS for flowering, and 2 75w full spectrums for vegetative and flowering just helpin the MH and HPS. was also wondering about space, my closet is like 9x3' is that enuff room for a 400w?
  5. B

    how much will i yeild

    this is my second grow and was also wondering if i can leave them in the vegetative stage longer for more bud.
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    how much will i yeild

    why would it be so low? what else do i need?
  7. B

    how much will i yeild

    i was wondering how much i would yield per plant with a 250w HPS and two 75 watt full spectrum lights. im going to grow 5 plants of blue mystic in containers that are about 15"H and 8" diameter and im growing in soil.