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  1. X

    6 weeks into flower and im getting nanners!!

    ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! I had to move mine right before flower and I'm dealing with the Mississippi heat and humidity so my 2 are rarely small but look. Well my fattest and most productive plant is suffering from over watering this morning. I knew I overdid it yesterday and now she's sagging...
  2. X

    6 weeks into flower and im getting nanners!!

    I have a question about you solution your mixing up. Are you lightly misting those lil nanners or you spraying enough to drench? I get the concept of spraying before plucking. I'm just cautious cuz these 2 plants are my most successful to date. **knock on wood**
  3. X

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey man I'm new as well but I was able to post a couple pics using the layout at the bottom of the page. When you select your pic to upload, give it a second. I messed up like the 1st 3 times being impatient and not knowing but it will load
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys, I'm new to joining the site. Although I already replied to a thread on purple pistils, I wanna say it's nice to be among all these beautiful people who get it.
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    Purple Pistils.. anybody had similar strains to this before?

    Hey guys I'm reading about the purple pistils. I have had my 1st experience with purple all over the buds this year on one of my outdoors plant. I can promise it IS NOT due to cold lol. I live in Mississippi where its 100 and damnit all summer with even worse humidity. I believe it's a type of...