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  1. A Friend with Weed ...

    Add 3 words to this sentence

    Ok this is the deal...I will start with 3 words. The next person has to add 3 more words to continue the sentence. Today I was...
  2. A Friend with Weed ...

    hey bro, Im from Independence. Did you have any luck finding anything? Ive lived her for 2 years...

    hey bro, Im from Independence. Did you have any luck finding anything? Ive lived her for 2 years and cant seem to find anything at all. Can you help me out?
  3. A Friend with Weed ...

    Hey, I live in Independence, OH. I cant find anything either. Did you ever have any luck? I'm...

    Hey, I live in Independence, OH. I cant find anything either. Did you ever have any luck? I'm jonzing and cant find anything at all. Help
  4. A Friend with Weed ...


    I live in Independence. Been here 2 years and cant find anything. Is it always hard to find here?
  5. A Friend with Weed ...

    I live in Independence. Been here a couple years. It seems very dry here. Im an Engineer, 45...

    I live in Independence. Been here a couple years. It seems very dry here. Im an Engineer, 45 years old. Do you attend any of the NORML activities?
  6. A Friend with Weed ...

    Hey neighbor, I'm in Independence hows it going? I moved here 2 years ago and dont really know...

    Hey neighbor, I'm in Independence hows it going? I moved here 2 years ago and dont really know anyone. Thought I would introduce myself.
  7. A Friend with Weed ...


    Im in the Cleveland area. Southwest suburbs. Just joined the NORML here. I mived here 2 years ago and cant find any to buy so I started my own garden. Jonzing for a high!!!!!
  8. A Friend with Weed ...

    My Mini Cool Cab Garden

    Thanks King, I'll do that. Hey I see your a Homey from OH. I just joined the Cleveland NORML. Yea we have pretty good laws here don't we :-) Can't wait to see what happens with the medical situation this month. Thanks for the reply.
  9. A Friend with Weed ...

    My Mini Cool Cab Garden

    Well this is my first attempt at growing indoors. I bought the mini cool cab from sunlight sheds. This is day 4 from germination and my babies are coming up just fine. I have planted PPP and some bag seed. Wish me luck.
  10. A Friend with Weed ...

    Marijuana Seeds

    Hey I had ordered from Nirvana. When my seeds arrived several were crushed and some already germinating. I emailed Nirvana and they promptly send new seeds with a nice batch of free ones also. I just planted them but I give them an A+ for customer service so far. On the other hand I ordered from...
  11. A Friend with Weed ...

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone, first day as a member. I just purchased and setup a new "mini cool cab" from sunlight sheds. The 42" tall model. I will be posting pics of the progress. Does anyone else have experience with one of these? Thanks.
  12. A Friend with Weed ...

    Obama wants your input on marijuana!

    Here is the complete link. Its under crimminal justice.
  13. A Friend with Weed ...

    Marijuana Seeds

    Yep, I have been waiting for over 7 weeks for $250 worth of seeds from BC Bud Depot. Wish I had seen this forum before.