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    Yeah I was blessed we didn’t get hit like them but winds were still crazy. Just lost power and some trees were falling over. Anybody growing outdoors was for surely fucked though.
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    Is ambient lighting from closed blinds enough ? I don’t wanna give out my grow but I want to keep these girls alive at least. 2 months down the drain would drag
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    Hey guys hurricane Ian just knocked out my power and I don’t know when I will get it back I’ve had 2 plants vegging for about two months now how long do they have before I can’t bring them back to life ?
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    2, 3, or 4 in 4x4 tent

    4 plants plus 2 mothers is 6 plants total which is manageable but am I wasting to much time vegging in a 4x4 w only 2 plants? I read somewhere that 3 is the perfect amount but it’s an odd number for 2 strains I see a lot of people run 4 in the 4x4. I just popped the 2 seeds August 2nd and both...
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    2, 3, or 4 in 4x4 tent

    Sorry for the miscommunication I do have a separate 2x4 veg tent that I plan to house the mothers in
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    2, 3, or 4 in 4x4 tent

    Hey guys I’m picking up growing again I’m getting my tent started along and right now I have 2 plants in there in seedling stage. I’ve been reading allot about plant count and veg time and now I’m rethinking my decision. Should I plant another 1 -2 plants to speed up the veg time? I plan to do a...
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    Phenohunting or multiple strains ?

    Wow that was really helpful just curious how many seeds do you think is adequate for a phenohunt is a pack just enough or would you say run multiple packs of the same strain
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    Phenohunting or multiple strains ?

    I’ve heard this before can you better describe what you mean by working the strain ?
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    Phenohunting or multiple strains ?

    I wanna get your guys opinion on this. With phenohunting you can get many different expressions of the same plants. Many of these new “designer” genetics are poly hybrids meaning there’s probably allot of genetic variation. Do you think it would be better to buy allot of one strain and phenohunt...
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    seedlings dying in coco!

    These are one gallon pots I usually move them from 1 gal to 3 gal to 5 gal
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    seedlings dying in coco!

    I’ve had success like this before I’m curious why it’s not goin so well now
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    seedlings dying in coco!

    No dome either just straight in the environment
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    seedlings dying in coco!

    Some pics of my set up to see if this helps as well please any advice on how to save them?
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    seedlings dying in coco!

    Here are the pics guys plz lemme know ASAP !
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    seedlings dying in coco!

    hey guys my seedlings are all wilting except for one i planted them only like 9 dys ago im not sure what the problem is. i been giving them straight water for the first few days havent run any nutes do you think this is the problem? let me know now im trying to save my girls! i will provide pics...
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    How many seeds should I plant

    I know this sounds like a noob question but hear me out. I just got a pack of these brothers Grimm c99 seeds and I’m super exited. It came in a pack of 12 seeds. I am a newer grower and really feel like these genetics are going to be good so I don’t wanna mess something up and loose the genetics...
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    Police raids

    I live in Florida not completely legal but being a tourist location weed laws and relatively relaxed. If caught with less then 20 grams it’s usually just a fine and as far as plants I think under 24 plants can result in a misdemeanor possession charge depending on what other evidence they do...
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    Police raids

    Hey so just wondering I had a friend staying with me recently try to steal from me and we had to kick him out. Unfortunately he new about my grow and he threatened to call the police on me. It’s been around 30 days since this went down and nothing has happened thus far. I had moved my plants to...
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    Strain selection new grower

    Hey ima noob grower lol and I picked up some packs of regular seeds last winter. I finally got settled into my new place and started my first plants in a 4x4 perpetual grow w a 2x4 veg tent. Right now I popped some royal queen northern lights autos just as a warm up grow. I’m curious what you...
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    New grower strain selection

    Hey ima noob grower lol and I picked up some packs of regular seeds last winter. I finally got settled into my new place and started my first plants in a 4x4 perpetual grow w a 2x4 veg tent. Right now I popped some royal queen northern lights autos just as a warm up grow. I’m curious what you...