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  1. theforthdrive

    pure power plant in the bay

    sorry friend! Bank is sometimes used interchangeably with dispensaries. they have not only dried mmj and hash but many different strains of clones! Seeds arent too popular here in the states cause we are lazy and dont want to sex the plants. But you are correct that the PPP I want is from...
  2. theforthdrive

    pure power plant in the bay

    Does any one know of a bank that has pure power plant clones. Im looking to get a few for outdoor this year! thanks!
  3. theforthdrive

    A must read if you ride dirty in AZ The fascist LEO's in AZ will be using this one against you! Damn, Im so glad I moved to cali!
  4. theforthdrive

    Advanced Nutrients....

    Go to their website and use the Nute calc. to find out how much and when to use. The Big bud is only for week two thru 6 0r 7. hope this helps!
  5. theforthdrive

    Home and Garden

    I used the full aqua flakes line. Its ok. Seems to give a bit more chem. taste than AN! good luck1
  6. theforthdrive

    Outer Edges of Leaves Dieing and Curling Up While Flowering (pics)

    I would say nute burn! But it will take some time to heal and the heavily damaged leaves to be removed!
  7. theforthdrive

    i think i killed em

    They will be fine! just reset everything and give them some love!
  8. theforthdrive

    So this is the place huh?

    Ive been growing for some time with great success but decided to change up my style from 5 gal. rockwool to 3-5 gal. dwc/aero/ who knows what my head will decide. But this forum kept coming up when I was doing some research, lots from a guy named earl who looks alot like jason lee, the actor not...