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  1. I

    Using the top as a clone

    Don't think you got my question bro, i know what topping's for and I don't have the need to do it, I'm talking about replanting the tops that you remove if you decide to top a plant.
  2. I

    Complete grow kits

    No shit. This forum is a damn fine place to look up some DIY alternatives and save yourself a couple hundred bucks. If you can't be talked out of it, I've heard that HTGsupply makes a complete kit for soil and hydro that has decent reviews, but i've never actually seen it in use
  3. I

    Using the top as a clone

    a minute ago a question arose in my head: if the top were removed from a decent sized plant and replanted as one would a clone, is the resultant plant going to possess the same qualities that the top would have had if it would have been left on the plant? What i mean is, since the top flowers...