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  1. M

    Flowering how im i doing ?

    Thanks a lot for helping me guys. I'm going to do what you said
  2. M

    Flowering how im i doing ?

    The average temperature is around 14°C, humidity around 40%
  3. M

    Flowering how im i doing ?

    I didn't have time to water properly, and I didn't fed her for 2 weeks, I gave to her flowering fert when she was in veg state, so i preferred to wait a little. I don't have a pH tester. Sorry for my bad English
  4. M

    Flowering how im i doing ?

    She is an auto northern light, she started flowering yesterday, but I think she is a bit strange, it's really cold here and I'm planting indoors with LED full spectrum. Here's some pics
  5. M

    Flowering how im i doing ?

    Hey can you help me figuring out if there's anything wrong with my baby?
  6. M

    Plz help

    I'm growing a northern light auto, and it is a bit strange and I don't know why. I tried to figure it out but I really don't know what it is. Here's some pics