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  1. Jbird7

    Topping question

    Top as much as u plz as soon as they heal u can top again, but u need to tie those mains down as well to truly benefit if u want a short bush
  2. Jbird7

    Attic Grow

    So u have a 5x4x7tall space? A sketch or full room pic from doorway would really help us help u... Also i dont kno how legal growing is there . ..but when growing in an attic and it snows, your roof will be the only one w no snow on the roof.. Many peopleget caught this exact way.
  3. Jbird7

    0.2 Cubic Metre Stealth Tent Ventilation Question With Pics

    Could u cut a hole in the backand move it off the wall an inch or even less?
  4. Jbird7

    0.2 Cubic Metre Stealth Tent Ventilation Question With Pics

    Depends how many cfms ur fan is and the size of ur intakes. With most fans that are 6 inches, when turned all the way down, still crank like 300 cfms i believe. At that speed u wld want ur intake to be about 3-3.5×the size of ur outtake. Otherwise youll collapse the tent or at least have it...
  5. Jbird7

    0.2 Cubic Metre Stealth Tent Ventilation Question With Pics

    Hey sorry been busy... Sounds good... Honestly i think a 6" is probably overkill... And i doubt youd have to leave the door ajar..wldnt that defeat the point of hiding it so well..are u gonna have the doors open most of the time and closed wen necessary? Im sure it can intake through all the...
  6. Jbird7

    day 43 flowering question

    Yea u did it a little late...
  7. Jbird7

    Fasciation, Who has had it?

    So the stem was more or less flattened?
  8. Jbird7

    Clogged carbon filter

    Whats 5 inches beyween friends?
  9. Jbird7

    0.2 Cubic Metre Stealth Tent Ventilation Question With Pics

    Also my biggest fear for u is that u want have the head space to get that light far enough from the plants
  10. Jbird7

    0.2 Cubic Metre Stealth Tent Ventilation Question With Pics

    I think I would vent through top. Intake passively through drawers. No ducting through drawers though just an open intake in tent and let it suck from every crack/crevice.
  11. Jbird7

    GFCI breakers

    Listen to this man
  12. Jbird7

    Newbie grower & new grow

    Get a hygrometer. Very humid youll wanna watch that. Def dont overwater. Wait for tops of pot to be slightly dry. Have u thought about exhaust? Get a cheap duct fan u shldnt need a big one for a tent that size.
  13. Jbird7

    Three weeks flower

    I dig. What u want to do tho is put the 1st screen on when theyre still little. After 1st or 2nd topping. Leth them grow into screen during veg til almost full or full. Then flip.
  14. Jbird7

    day 43 flowering question

    I would need to see a pic of the whole plant. I think ur fine tho. I trim a large majority of my fans just before week 3 after flip. Only trim leaves that are blocking budsites after that.
  15. Jbird7

    Where to Trim??

    Indoors def...but outdoors i think shell do great
  16. Jbird7


    If u have sufficient space and budget...jump right in
  17. Jbird7

    day 43 flowering question

    When did u trim the fans?
  18. Jbird7


    Cause plants b trippn yo!
  19. Jbird7

    How many plants for max yield?

    Max yeild in least time u mean? If so id go with Craigson....max wld probably be a scrog but after u make space to access both side of screen y will lose out
  20. Jbird7

    Question on drying

    No good but yea they do retain moisture longer